Sales & Marketing

Forgetting About Competition could Save your Business


By Jonathan Mansilla

There has been a lie floating around the world for too long. The idealization of competition is a negative instigator to success. Winning the fight was and always has been considered the ultimate goal for students, rivals, and businesses. Setting this false goal can be destructive and distracting to the greater heights everyone should be aiming for.

The way it works is this: people who are aiming to reach the top suddenly realize that there are others reaching for the same spot. Once they see them as a threat to their success, they become so obsessed with defeating the competition that they forget why they needed to eliminate them in the first place. This creates a hostile competitiveness that ends up killing both rivals, and no one reaches the top, which is a denial not just to them, but to society as a whole.

Let’s say there are two innovators who want to create the best way to make commuting more convenient. They want to make the breakthrough product first. They both come up with ideas to remove the traffic and improve the environmental cost of all the congested cars heading towards the big cities and realize that they both have incredibly similar ideas. They get frustrated and decide that the only way they’ll reach the top is to get rid of one another. They start sabotaging each other’s marketing campaigns and ideas. They become so engulfed with the thought that the only thing standing in their way of success is each other, and it becomes a fight to the death. In the end, no one wins. They spent so much time focusing on each other that their original goals were forgotten. The commuters don’t get the benefit of their ideas, and the competitors don’t find the success that they so wanted.

Each rival doing something different could have solved this. If they focused on their idea, improving it and making it different and wonderful, they wouldn’t have bothered with each other. Setting your eyes on the proper goal is imperative for actually reaching the success you want. So, throw competition out the window. You shouldn’t need competition for motivation to reach your goals: your goals should be motivational enough. Improving this world for the better is what we have to focus on, not on the other people who are trying to do the same.


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Keep Your Personal Image Clear


More than anything, it is important to keep your online image neat. How people perceive you in the World Wide Web is so important for your business. The Internet has set the public eye on everyone: the moment you leave your mark online is when people will begin to formulate opinions and ideas of who you are as a person.

Right now, it’s up to you to decide how the world is going to see you. However, you should always strive to be as authentic as possible, or people will smell insincerity and fraudulence coming from your general direction. Just keep in mind that being authentic doesn’t mean sharing the ugliest bits of your personality. Being in the public eye means that you have to begin thoroughly thinking through what you post. You can relax and be yourself, but you should take extra care in being respectable in what you do. The moment someone famous, say a celebrity, posts a very poor and cringe-worthy tweet, everyone who sees it will lose a little bit of respect they had for that person.

Think ahead to the long-term consequences of the actions you take today. Once you’ve got a certain image going, it’ll be very hard to change it in the future. This image can influence many things in your future! Employers tend to take a little Internet adventure before hiring an employee to see how they present themselves online. The same goes for potential business partners or clients.

Wouldn’t it be great if what they found was a respectable, responsible, and genuine person?

Be true to who you are and, whenever you´re projecting yourself on the Internet, do yourself a favor... present the best YOU possible.


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Staying Alive in Modern Times


Owning a business is tough work. In order for a business to reach and stay in success, it has to be constantly changing and morphing to keep up with the latest technology, marketing strategies, and trends. No one likes something that isn’t up to date. It doesn’t look professional for the CEO of a company to show up at a meeting and pull out their 2001 Nokia flip phone. It seems funny just thinking about it, doesn’t it? Now, let’s say that really happens. What does this small action say about the abilities of the whole company?

It makes them seem like they aren’t a reactionary business. A reactionary business is a business that has the ability to react & respond quickly to necessary changes. It is imperative for the survival of a business to keep up with modern times. For example, businesses that made the jump into the online world when it was the time to embrace it stayed alive, whereas those who merely stuck to older platforms eventually died away. The flexibility and adaptation of a company will determine its chances of survival. How do you do that?

Pay attention. Stay involved with the outside world and stay on the lookout for trends. Depending on what your company does, you can harness those trends to capitalize on the people following them and provide value to them. Let’s say the year is 2002, and your job is designing websites. You notice that newer websites are looking sleeker and use more high-quality graphics. Suddenly, the website you are currently designing looks a little outdated compared to these new styles. What do you do? You update your design style to keep up with the newer and better designs!

Even though it may be difficult to keep up at times, the best thing about this is that it means things are improving every day. If we remained stagnant in our ways, we wouldn’t advance as a society. It all comes down to the health and survival of your business. So, stay up to date on all things if you want your company to stay alive.


Inspire and empower people in all aspects of their life is one of our core values as a company. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit