Personal Development

Simple ways to find your smile every day


Don’t wait to be happy

There are always reasons to be happy. Happy times are coming and going like trains in a train station; sometimes, they are right there right in front of your eyes, waiting for you to shift your focus and notice and appreciate them.

Whatever is going on around you, you can feel happy, be productive, create success, and enjoy yourself; all you have to do is change your focus and the way you think.


Create your happy moments

We all dream of being happy someday, but only when the conditions are right. Until then, we’re overworked, overstressed, and less than pleased. We create a utopian destination out of something that should be part of the journey.

If we don’t train ourselves to feel happy along the way, what makes us think we will feel it when we get there? Happiness is an emotion we can create by setting ourselves up with the right state (mental, emotional, and physical) to build momentum, and when those ‘right conditions’ are met, we’ll be there already.


Get in a happy state

A joyful life is the best kind of life we can hope to achieve. It creates those positive, feel-good vibes and allows us to look to the future with optimism. Bliss and pure joy seem like ephemeral emotions, but we can learn to hold on to it and relish in it and eventually create it at will.


In short, stop worrying so much, appreciate all the small things (and the big things you may be missing out too), surround yourself with positive, loving people, smile more, laugh more, hug more, and love more…

After all, what can be better than that?

Stay strong!

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit, or book a meeting to review your software project.

Keeping it together through fear and uncertainty


There are two types of uncertainty; the one we always welcome, like starting a new relationship or a new job, which in some way foreshows good times and are manageable and predictable.

But there’s also the other type that presents us with an unpleasant situation we’re not familiar with and takes us outside of our comfort zone. We don’t feel secure anymore and start wondering how we will get through or if we could ever handle it.

We need certainty. It’s a fundamental human need that provides us with a feeling of security and safety. At the same time, uncertainty always involves fear of the unknown and the sense that we’re no longer in control of our lives.

Nevertheless, we can take charge of our actions and reactions to these situations. We feel the fear, but we discipline ourselves to look beyond it and focus on a positive outcome.

Like Nelson Mandela said, “Courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it; the brave man is not he who doesn’t feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”


Whenever we’re faced with uncertainty, there are a few things to be mindful of so we can bring peace of mind to any chaotic situation:

. Trust ourselves. We’ve done it before; we’ve made it through all kinds of adversity, and we can make it through this one too.

. Tough times don’t last; tough people do. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger (except bears, of course, bears will kill us 😉). We may not feel strong at the time, but we will be wiser, stronger, and better equipped in the future.

. Things always work out, one way or the other. Sometimes, when we get to a roadblock, we feel disappointed when in reality, it was a detour to take us to an even better destination.

. Life goes on. There will come a time when we’d look back at that situation and wonder why did we worry so much in the first place.

. We can only grow outside our comfort zone. We need to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable so we can succeed and enjoy life.

. Everything looks clearer in retrospect. Once we’re able to look back, we’ll understand and appreciate the way things unfolded and even why.

Steve Jobs said it right, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking back, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”


Uncertainty is a normal part of life, and we need to learn to see it that way.

It’s challenging to feel confident when we can’t see where we’re going and easy to perceive everything as a threat, but often, those uncertain times lead us to a brighter future.

The roads we know can only take us to places we’ve already been. If we’re willing to take risks and travel uncharted paths, we can open up a world of possibilities and opportunities, new beginnings that won’t happen if we cling to what we know.


Let’s take that chance; we’ll make it through, and, in the wonderful words of Alain de Botton, “feeling lost, crazy and desperate belongs to a good life as much as optimism, certainty, and reason.”


Stay strong!





One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit, or book a meeting to review your software project.


Get Your Mind Out of its Own Barricade


 If you count yourself as a regular human being these days, the odds are you’ve been through a mental block from time to time. You might feel stuck in an unwanted job, an unfulfilled relationship, or a general discontent with daily life.

Having your mind trapped in its own barricade is a very frustrating experience, and it can impact all aspects of your life if allowed to continue over time.

There are many causes for this kind of mental block, overanalyzing everything, overloading yourself with too many responsibilities, just to name some common few.

In order to overcome that kind of stalled mindset, you first need to understand what a mental block is.

What is a mental block?

It could be defined as a range of experiences related to feeling obstructed to perform mental processes. You may have heard of it also in terms like “brain fog”, writer’s block”, or “stumbling block”; but they all refer to the same state: inability to concentrate, think or reason clearly, resulting in a lack of drive.

No matter how it is described, if you don’t learn how to get over it, it can derail your productivity and feeling of contentment with life.

How to get over it?

The most effective strategies to get rid of mental blocks work on the root of what keeps people stuck:

Re-take control of your state

In order to regain momentum, get your mind and your body back in harmony and reach your peak state. Sometimes, a little physical activity is all it takes to break a mental block.

Remember, your “state” is nothing more than the framework you operate out in life. Use it to your advantage.

Bring your focus back to the present

It’s all about mind over matter.

If you’re experiencing a mental block, chances are you’re focusing your attention on the past or the future, riddling yourself with guilt or concerns for things to come.

Take a few minutes to sit and think about the present moment. Use your breathing as a focal point until your mind starts to calm down. From that peaceful state, you’ll be able to think more clearly and get into a problem-solving state more easily.

Sometimes, as unlikely as it might sound, the more frustrated you feel, the closer a breakthrough is.

You may feel a general discontent in life like your crap-filter is full and you can’t take any more of it; something’s gotta give.  

Know that those feelings are normal as you grow and evolve to overcome obstacles in your life.

They are there to let you know that your breakthrough is right around the corner!



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit