Get Your Mind Out of its Own Barricade


 If you count yourself as a regular human being these days, the odds are you’ve been through a mental block from time to time. You might feel stuck in an unwanted job, an unfulfilled relationship, or a general discontent with daily life.

Having your mind trapped in its own barricade is a very frustrating experience, and it can impact all aspects of your life if allowed to continue over time.

There are many causes for this kind of mental block, overanalyzing everything, overloading yourself with too many responsibilities, just to name some common few.

In order to overcome that kind of stalled mindset, you first need to understand what a mental block is.

What is a mental block?

It could be defined as a range of experiences related to feeling obstructed to perform mental processes. You may have heard of it also in terms like “brain fog”, writer’s block”, or “stumbling block”; but they all refer to the same state: inability to concentrate, think or reason clearly, resulting in a lack of drive.

No matter how it is described, if you don’t learn how to get over it, it can derail your productivity and feeling of contentment with life.

How to get over it?

The most effective strategies to get rid of mental blocks work on the root of what keeps people stuck:

Re-take control of your state

In order to regain momentum, get your mind and your body back in harmony and reach your peak state. Sometimes, a little physical activity is all it takes to break a mental block.

Remember, your “state” is nothing more than the framework you operate out in life. Use it to your advantage.

Bring your focus back to the present

It’s all about mind over matter.

If you’re experiencing a mental block, chances are you’re focusing your attention on the past or the future, riddling yourself with guilt or concerns for things to come.

Take a few minutes to sit and think about the present moment. Use your breathing as a focal point until your mind starts to calm down. From that peaceful state, you’ll be able to think more clearly and get into a problem-solving state more easily.

Sometimes, as unlikely as it might sound, the more frustrated you feel, the closer a breakthrough is.

You may feel a general discontent in life like your crap-filter is full and you can’t take any more of it; something’s gotta give.  

Know that those feelings are normal as you grow and evolve to overcome obstacles in your life.

They are there to let you know that your breakthrough is right around the corner!



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