
Your Peak State is the Key to Everything!


State is the most important aspect of personal development. You could dismiss every topic en every PD program available and only take State into practice, and you’ll still have the most powerful tool in the toolbox at your disposal.


But what is State? It’s the way you feel at any given moment, physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Your edge in life depends 80% on your psychology, and the other 20% on the mechanics of habits. That is a force at work at all times, and it doesn’t care about what it does to you; it just works that way, like gravity… it can work to your advantage and amusement, or it can seriously hurt you; but hey, it’s not personal, it’s just the way it works.


But if you could take control of this force, by controlling your consistent emotions, you could begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life.

Living in a peak State is exhilarating, and life-changing, yet it’s still a rare condition for most people.

It doesn’t have to be the case for you.


How do you raise your life to this level then?

It will require first that you let go of the past, master your emotions, and adopt an excellence mindset.

Your emotions are the foundation that peak State is built upon. They have the power to control everything in our lives –mood, decisions, actions, you name it. If you want positive progress, you need positive emotions.



The Triad of Emotional Psychology

 To start creating a positive mindset, you need to understand first the Triad of Emotional Psychology and master the three forces that control your emotions: your physiology, your language, and your focus.


  1. Your Physiology

This is the first component of the Triad. It refers to your body and all its systems.

The way you use your body affects how you feel mentally and emotionally. You must be aware of this connection: if you stand up straight, you’ll feel a sense of pride and alertness; if you slump over and neglect your body, you’ll start to feel down and negative –and consider what will happen if you get into the habit of doing any of these consistently…

The next time you find yourself in a certain mood, pay attention to your body and how you’re using it at that moment, and you’ll start to make the connection, and in no time you will start being able to change it as well.

You have the power to reset your State at will.


  1. Your Focus

Wherever your focus goes, your energy will flow. What you put your focus on is where you’ll set your intention; consciously or unconsciously.

If you are driving on the highway and turn your head and your attention completely to your left –and hear me well, don’t try that; especially on the highway!- you will notice that your car will steer to the left; not by itself, of course, but by a combination of your focusing your attention to that direction and moving dominant parts of your body as well. This is why we know of so many cases of unconfident drivers crashing their car into the only tree or telephone pole in sight; they see it, begin to fear crashing into it, and they involuntarily steer right into it.

The same thing happens to you in other aspects.

Learning to set your focus on the positive things is one of the most essential steps toward achieving your peak State, and you will also start moving in the direction of the things you do want.


  1. Your Language

This is the third component of the Triad. The way you speak –to yourself internally and out loud- determines how you operate in the world; especially the questions you ask.

Your brain is programmed to come up with an answer to whatever question is presented to it; so, if you were to ask “how come all these bad things happen to me?”, or “why is it that I can never make enough money?”, then your brain will come up with whatever answer could fit that question, and it doesn’t matter if it is real, it will match your current set of beliefs, and you’ll feel powerless as a result.

The way you talk to yourself will determine what emotions you feel, so choose your words and your tone wisely. You will still be talking to yourself internally; but instead of having a negative, judgmental character disapproving everything you do, you can have a coach showing you a better, most effective way to do things next time. You will benefit from the feedback, and you’d have learned something as well.

Reprogram your usual phrases through repetition, using what we call incantations. When you repeat a phrase with enough emotional intensity, you start to believe and embody it (just as with your lousy self-talk). Use the power of incantations by designing and using the ones that support you the most.

Let’s continue this topic next week.
Until then, stay strong!  

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit, or book a meeting to review your software project.

Self-Confidence, the shortcut to Your Dream Life


Everything that you have in your life is the result of your beliefs, in yourself and in what is possible.

Learning to believe in yourself will open up countless possibilities in your life. Although this is not an easy task, since we’ve been conditioned from our childhood to doubt ourselves, we must learn to get rid of our fears and self-doubt to rebuild our self-esteem and self-confidence.

These are four important steps to learn how to achieve it. If you practice them consistently and relentlessly, you’ll be amazed at the results.

1.      Believe. Everything you want is possible.

It is your choice whether or not to believe that what you want is possible.

We used to believe that humans responded to information coming into the brain from the outside, but now we know that instead, we tend to respond to what the brain expects to happen next, based on previous experiences.

Our brain is a complex and powerful instrument. Whatever you expect, it will work to obtain it. It can deliver everything you believe in through the power of expectation; that’s why it is very important to always hold a positive expectation instead of rehearsing for the things we don’t want to happen.

2.      Visualize. See what you want, get what you see

When you add a visualization practice to your daily routine, you’ll naturally become more inspired to work on your goals. You’ll surprise yourself by spontaneously doing things that move you closer to your ideal life. You’ll take on more responsibilities, ask more directly, and taking risks; thus experiencing bigger pay-offs.

One of the most common and effective ways to work with visualization is with an inspirational Vision Board –a graphic representation of what you want in life. When you look at it every day, you start to shift your focus towards your dreams.

3.      Act as if. Who do you want to be?

The best way to establish a successful mindset is to act as if you’ve already become the kind of person you want to be.

Imagine you’ve already achieved your dream.
What kind of person would you be? What kind of people would surround you? How would you dress? How would you act, and treat others? What kind of growth and contribution would you be experiencing consistently?

Whatever actions you’d identify with, don’t wait; start taking them now.
By acting this way, you’ll become the kind of person who is capable of creating the successful life that you want, and it will trigger your subconscious mind to find creative ways to achieve the required goals.

4.      Take action, move towards your goals!

Believe it or not, this is where most people get stuck. They all get the principles, they set their goals, say their affirmations, and do their visualizations; but they never get results because they fail to take action on them.

The final and most important step of all is to take action. It’s ok to feel the fear and do it anyway, because that’s where the life of our dreams lay, right across the walls of fear.

So, be strong, take action, climb up that wall, and run towards your dreams!  

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

Master Your Psychology and Stop Living in Fear


Fear can be useful and it has its place in our healthy behavior; but if you let it, it can keep us locked up inside what is comfortable or predictable –which is where most of us are living these days.

Living in the seemingly ‘safe’ state which fear always tends to take us to, makes us feel unfulfilled with the status quo in the end, yet afraid of going after anything different, which most of the time would be something better.

If you want to stop living in fear, you must understand how it works so you can actively fight against it.
Fear is a normal emotion that warns us against potential threats to our safety, but nowadays, in our mostly cosmetic and safeguarded society, it may have become a chronic or hypersensitive response.

You can blame it on the media, a specific situation, caffeine excess; yet blaming has never helped anyone solve their problems.

It is time to OWN YOUR EMOTIONS and transform your life.

Where’s this fear coming from?

When we’re living in a constant state of fear, our anxieties are running the show; we’re constantly worrying without much mindfulness as to what’s causing it. You have to identify what is causing our distress.

Try brainstorming a list of all your tangible concerns (your kids could get hurt, fear of death, etc.) and another of those not that tangible (economic collapse, etc.) and then write a few actions you can take to prevent them from happening. That will give you a sense of control to start with.

Realize that life happens FOR you, not to you.

Understanding and accepting this notion is the first step to fulfillment, and it will put an end to the blaming game and let you start taking charge of your destiny.
Then, endless possibilities will open up to you.

Enough with the excuses

Same as blame, excuses are a lame defense mechanism we use to avoid taking responsibility from our problems and our life in general, and they tend to push our hopes, desires and dreams aside. Excuses are comforting when we’re living in fear, they are safe; but they also bring you back to that starting point where everything is old, done, achieved. There are no challenges there, no growth.
Next time some excuse comes floating into your mind, ask yourself: are you where you want to be in life? Or are you falling back on fear and choosing comfort instead of facing your challenges?

Focus on Growth

We tend to give up because we don’t believe we can achieve our goals, that they’re beyond our capabilities. You must know that your abilities are not fixed, they’re flexible, and just as with muscles, they grow stronger with practice and repetition, and by taking more than they can handle at the time.
It’s like the Crocodile Dundee actor said once: “the secret of my success is that I bite more than I can chew, and then chew as fast as I can”.
Find new ways to adapt, and work hard to overcome whatever life puts in your way.

Everything is a learning experience

Everybody come across difficulties from time to time. The most painful experiences are those which help us redefine what you want and don’t want in life.
Failure, disappointment, roadblocks; they can all be used as a reflecting tool to learn more about yourself and what you want out of your life.

Next time you’re facing a painful experience and you’re ready to give up, take a moment and decide that your dreams are more important than your fear.

Make that decision today and master your fears, start living as the most joyful, successful version of yourself.

Stay strong!

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit