Goal Setting

Master Your Psychology and Stop Living in Fear


Fear can be useful and it has its place in our healthy behavior; but if you let it, it can keep us locked up inside what is comfortable or predictable –which is where most of us are living these days.

Living in the seemingly ‘safe’ state which fear always tends to take us to, makes us feel unfulfilled with the status quo in the end, yet afraid of going after anything different, which most of the time would be something better.

If you want to stop living in fear, you must understand how it works so you can actively fight against it.
Fear is a normal emotion that warns us against potential threats to our safety, but nowadays, in our mostly cosmetic and safeguarded society, it may have become a chronic or hypersensitive response.

You can blame it on the media, a specific situation, caffeine excess; yet blaming has never helped anyone solve their problems.

It is time to OWN YOUR EMOTIONS and transform your life.

Where’s this fear coming from?

When we’re living in a constant state of fear, our anxieties are running the show; we’re constantly worrying without much mindfulness as to what’s causing it. You have to identify what is causing our distress.

Try brainstorming a list of all your tangible concerns (your kids could get hurt, fear of death, etc.) and another of those not that tangible (economic collapse, etc.) and then write a few actions you can take to prevent them from happening. That will give you a sense of control to start with.

Realize that life happens FOR you, not to you.

Understanding and accepting this notion is the first step to fulfillment, and it will put an end to the blaming game and let you start taking charge of your destiny.
Then, endless possibilities will open up to you.

Enough with the excuses

Same as blame, excuses are a lame defense mechanism we use to avoid taking responsibility from our problems and our life in general, and they tend to push our hopes, desires and dreams aside. Excuses are comforting when we’re living in fear, they are safe; but they also bring you back to that starting point where everything is old, done, achieved. There are no challenges there, no growth.
Next time some excuse comes floating into your mind, ask yourself: are you where you want to be in life? Or are you falling back on fear and choosing comfort instead of facing your challenges?

Focus on Growth

We tend to give up because we don’t believe we can achieve our goals, that they’re beyond our capabilities. You must know that your abilities are not fixed, they’re flexible, and just as with muscles, they grow stronger with practice and repetition, and by taking more than they can handle at the time.
It’s like the Crocodile Dundee actor said once: “the secret of my success is that I bite more than I can chew, and then chew as fast as I can”.
Find new ways to adapt, and work hard to overcome whatever life puts in your way.

Everything is a learning experience

Everybody come across difficulties from time to time. The most painful experiences are those which help us redefine what you want and don’t want in life.
Failure, disappointment, roadblocks; they can all be used as a reflecting tool to learn more about yourself and what you want out of your life.

Next time you’re facing a painful experience and you’re ready to give up, take a moment and decide that your dreams are more important than your fear.

Make that decision today and master your fears, start living as the most joyful, successful version of yourself.

Stay strong!

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit www.isucorp.ca

How to Re-Engage Your Team

Understanding what contributes to employee disengagement can help bridge the communication gap and create more fulfilling and productive workplaces. The success of a business truly does rely on the satisfaction and happiness of the employees. Building a business with trust, understanding, and healthy communication can lead the way to great company culture and better services/products that your business offers. Do you think an unhappy employee will treat a customer or client the same way a happy employee would? Of course not. When employees are unsatisfied and disengaged, your clients are likely to be as well. Learn the signs that will tell you if your employees are at risk of becoming disengaged and check out the solutions on how to fix it.


Foster a Positive Work Culture

Businesses largely depend on leaders to mould the workplace culture into one that is positive and supportive. With fast-paced projects, deadlines, and multiple tasks keeping the mind occupied, it’s too easy for leaders to neglect to foster this positivity, and the office can quickly become a place everyone dreads going to. If your place of work is one that causes too much competition, hostility, or simply has a lack of camaraderie, employees will be less inclined to perform well.

The solution: Connect with your employees regularly. Emphasize the health and wellness of your employees and take time to make genuine connections with each one. Depending on the size of your team, you could do this by creating an online place for you and your team to share tidbits of advice and inspiration. A little goes a long way and putting in this extra effort will encourage a positive vibe for your workplace.


Make the Work Meaningful

Everyone wants a job that gets them out of bed in the morning. People spend one third (and sometimes much more) of their 24-hour days at work. Funnelling all that time into work that feels meaningless can quickly disengage and dishearten an employee. No matter the level of work your employees do, meaning can be created through perspective. As the employer, you can emphasize the ‘WHY’ behind their work. Someone could have an incredibly important job, but if they don’t know why they are doing it, it quickly loses all meaning.


The solution: Everyone deserves to feel like they are an important factor in contributing to the success of the team. Help your employees become motivated by validating the work they’ve accomplished. Celebrate a member’s triumphs with the whole team, and it will boost morale for everyone. Showing your employees that they are a part of something greater than themselves can make their work worth doing. Also, be sure to share any charitable work the company does and show your team that they are contributing to that cause through their efforts.

Create Opportunities to Grow

For employees to be engaged, they must see a future where they can grow. Having a goal to work towards creates an incentive for them to put in their best efforts. Anyone would lose motivation and interest when all they see in the future is a dead-end. People need goals and opportunities to grow for them to feel fulfilled. 

The solution: While some jobs have a natural progression and room for growth, some may not. If possible, allow your employees to try their hand at a task that may be out of their comfort zone. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover someone’s hidden talents.


Fear is Contagious, but so is Calm


Can you keep cool when everything around you is in turmoil?

Have you been so afraid you couldn’t think or move? Have you ever felt irrational fear or panic?

Extreme fear makes us freeze both our minds and our bodies; and it makes us lose control over our emotions. When this fear extends over time, it makes simple, everyday tasks feel like an impossible goal.

Learning how to get rid of anxiety is essential to living a normal life so we’re not tied down by hesitation and distress.

We have things to take care of, goals and dreams; and it’s likely we have people who depend on us too, whether it is because we’re parents, teachers, community or business leaders, people will look up to us and mimic our behavior. If we’re doing it right, they are going to do it right as well, or even better. But if we’re doing it wrong, they are going to tank. Guaranteed.

Fear is a contagious emotion; I we have it, suddenly everyone around us will have it as well. we can’t just run around running like a chicken with its head cut off, screaming at people or pulling our hairs like mad men; no one can perform like this.

Fear is contagious, but so is calm. If we keep your head, others around us are going to keep theirs too.

This is a great gift, particularly for a leader. We might be churning under the water, but on the surface, we got that calm for others to see and imitate; and guess what? After a time, it also gets to us! We also get infected by it.

We can get rid of that fear and anxiety.

This type of fear we’re all experiencing these days is just another way we make meaning of the world around us. When we’re in a dangerous or stressful situation, fear and anxiety are extremely useful emotions; they heighten our senses and prepare us for “fight or flight”. But if we’re just living our day-to-day lives, these emotions are not so helpful.

Everyone deals with fear differently. You may never get rid of fear entirely, but you can learn how to handle anxiety so it doesn’t control our lives; we can feel the fear and do things anyway.

So, how can we do it?

We can change our physical state, changing our focus, the way we move, the scenery and getting our heart rate up with some kind of exercise can often be enough to give us the clarity we need.

Create and maintain healthy habits. Our minds and physical bodies are deeply connected. We need to cut out bad habits that only mask the real causes of our anxiety.

Learn relaxation techniques. Meditation is proven to reduce anxiety, depression and even physical pain. It trains your brain to live in the moment, letting go of the past and not worrying about the future.

Finally, learn how to leverage our fear. One of the best ways to defeat anxiety is to understand how to leverage fear. Successful people are also afraid, only they are more afraid of what they’d miss if they don’t do whatever it takes in order to live a rich, fulfilling life. Instead of being crippled by fear and anxiety, they use it to fuel their actions further toward the achievement of their goals.

Think about that.

Stay safe, stay strong.


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit www.isucorp.ca