Blog — ISU Corp

John Krumbach

As We Define Ourselves, So We Are

The strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves.
— Tony Robbins

One of the most important secrets of happiness and success is related to how you perceive yourself to be.


A person might have all the skills and motivation but if you are self-critical of your own, you will have a hard time reaching happiness and success since self-critique usually ends up demoralizing yourself.


Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is a good idea - however, the way you approach them can set you up either for success or failure.


Being less self-critical allows people to learn from failure and mistakes - it allows them to grow and discover new opportunities, as a consequence, you will feel grateful, be far happier and your chances of success will increase exponentially.


Self-criticism leads to lower performance, it makes you give up, it leads to poor decision making and it makes you lose touch whit what you really want.  People who tend to be self-critical usually fear mistakes and failures which creates anxiety and negativity.


Rather than focusing on your strengths and avoiding weaknesses, a person should focus on and believe in their efforts. Focusing on your efforts will strengthen your determination to surpass any failures or roadblocks that life throws at you.


Your self-perspective has the power to determine your overall well-being, confidence, and success.

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Creativity, the Secret to an Effortless Success


Relax… and ideas are born. Break from focusing on what you’re trying to solve and you’ll be able to think outside the box.

Get more done with less effort by being creative.

As much as focus is an important attribute for success - truly successful people don't come up with great ideas through focus alone. They are successful because they make time to engage in a different type of activities which helps them come up with novel ideas.


Usually, great ideas present themselves when you let your mind relax, have downtime and daydream - leading to creative inspiration.


People become more imaginative and visionary by taking time out for themselves: engage in pastimes, enjoy quietness and idleness, relaxing our mind, free of worries without a to-do list. 


There are basically three ways to access our potential for creativity: 


1.   Learning to un-focus through diversification:

When focusing on only a specific activity or task, disengage from it - to allow yourself a new perspective. Either through mindless tasks (walks, low-focus tasks, relaxation) or through a broader set of experiences (new activities, new learning, and new experiences).


2.   Make time for stillness and silence:

Rather than being in constant motion and rushing in our busy modern life, you "unplug" yourself taking a silence break. A silence break is accomplished either through meditation, talking walks, sailing, lying down; it allows your mind to get new ideas and perspectives.


3.   Invite fun into your life:

Fun makes you feel happy and forget worries.  Fun stimulates positive emotions and opens the doors for your mind to see the big picture - it stimulates your creative imagination. 


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

Manage Your Energy and Remain “Cool”


People usually burnout and experience exhaustion when they push themselves to the limit with a high level of intensity - in order to accomplish a specific task or goal.


The best way to manage your energy is to remain calm and control your emotions in any specific situation - remaining calm will release all strain and stress, ironically, victory comes when you stop struggling.  As the saying says: " remain cool ".

Cultivating calmness keeps you happy and helps you consistently achieve your goals without exhaustion.


Managing your energy means taking control of your impulses, performance, emotional behavior and thoughts in a way that it is done with calm and positive thoughts, the strategy is to " keep calm and carry on ".  Calmness helps you conserve your mental energy and allows you to exercise self-control without effort, stress and negative thoughts. 

In our western culture, it's a common belief, that happiness equates to high-intensity emotions such as being a perfectionist, elated, eager for more & high-intensity activities such as being on top of things, multi-tasking, available 24/7. In reality, happiness comes from low-intensity emotions and activities like focusing, being calm, serene, content and in peace. 

When at work, replenishing your energy might mean, going for a walk, taking a break, meditating for a few minutes - all low impact activities. When you are not at work, detach yourself from work, don't take work home, turn off all those technology devices.


In summary, cultivating calm provides you with more focus, more energy and as a result less stress, a clearer mind and a sharper focus to get your work done while at the same time you remain balanced and enjoy the process.

As a result, you are happier and more successful.



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit