
Business Presentations: How You Can Succeed

If you work in a company, are a student, or even a business executive, the most beneficial skill you can have is being a good presenter. Presentations often are the lead determiner to the majority of decisions made in a company. Presenting effectively can set your career on a trajectory to high-level positions. As a result, if you are a great presenter, you will thrive in communication skills and form relationships, leading to opportunity. 

Oftentimes, speaking in front of people can create anxiety, especially when presenting to a boss, professor, or classroom. It’s important to know that this is a normal feeling when going into any situation that entails an unknown outcome. The first step is to recognize this feeling not as anxiousness, but as excitement. Anxiety and excitement are relatively the same feelings, yet one connects to negativity. Embrace the feeling, but recognize it as exciting to give you an added layer of confidence before going into these next 5 steps:

Know Your Material

Before you speak to your audience, make sure that you understand your information perfectly. Using things like cue cards is helpful to grab information and slides for your audience to see a representation of what you’re talking about, but you cannot rely on them alone. Practice and familiarize yourself with what it is you’re talking about, why it’s important, and what the intended outcome is. This will heavily benefit you in keeping your audience engaged and persuading them to rationalize with your intent. 

Be Passionate

It’s one thing to know your material, but presenting it with enthusiasm is what separates good from great. Your audience will easily lose interest if you are monotone, standing tight, and treating it like it is truly just a job to you. You must loosen up, use body language, own the room, this will demonstrate that you believe in what you are saying and truly care. Do not read from a slide, this is the easiest way to lose an audience's attention and your credibility as a presenter. Simply use the visuals as a background piece to display simple information and not blocks of text, you are adding a visual to the words you are saying.

Arrive Early

Familiarize yourself with the space in which you will be presenting. Make sure all technical equipment is working or charged, also practice using the equipment. This is extremely beneficial to prevent technical errors that could disrupt your presentation. It is best to arrive 30 minutes to an hour before the presentation. A practice run before is also beneficial. Aside from the benefits of preparation, this will express your care for your cause. It will also give you a chance to possibly meet your audience or the ones responsible for the organization of the event.

A Strong Introduction

Catch your audience's attention early, use facts, stats, or even a story that is sure to grasp their attention. I’m sure you’ve heard of the importance of first impressions. In the case of public speaking, this can make or break a presentation. There are numerous creative ways to construct a good introduction, as the presenter, it is up to you to decide which best fits your content. As well, once the introduction is developed, the rest of the content can be built around it. 

Add Humor, When Necessary

When presenting, it is always a good idea to break up detailed stats and information with something that can make the audience enjoy themselves. This creates a form of bond with your audience that makes them view the presentation less strictly, giving emotional relief. Tailor your approach to the audience and find subtle ways that work well with your material to slip in humor. It is also a cognitive effect called the humorous effect that allows people to better retain information when they find it funny.


Speaking in public can be difficult, nerves can overtake your thought process and cause you to stress out. It is important to know that this is normal, but it is more important to know that practicing the advice you just read will have you prepared to succeed. Mastering the skill of presenting effectively will open doors in your career. It will put you in a position to feel free in whatever it is you do, as you are expressing your thoughts.

Do not shy away from uncomfortable situations, this is what makes people grow into the best version of themselves. At the end of the day, if you are confident in your beliefs and decisions, you will live a very fulfilled life. It is up to you if you want to be like the majority who shy away from discomfort, or take on a position of power, what will it be?

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