
Tips to Excel at Networking in 2022

The business world involves more than just ideas and work, to enter this world, building your network by meeting people in the industry is your key to opportunity. This can be a challenge, going out to events and introducing yourself to strangers is not in everyone’s comfort zone. However, it is leaving the comfort zone that will help you succeed in any area of your life. 

Building connections opens up an array of opportunities in business, not only can it lead to partnerships or job opportunities, it can be a great teacher. Networking with experienced individuals can allow you to learn a bit about how they think, the path they took, challenges to expect, and mistakes to avoid. It can also be the first step to getting leads on job opportunities.

The most sought-after skill someone in business can have is the ability to communicate effectively and build relationships. These are reflected in your ability to sell yourself, to sell people on your vision, and to connect with the people you meet. 

So we know networking is necessary for our success, but it can leave us confused on how to get started. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get started and help you build a network that can lead to opportunity.  

Join Associations Related To Your Field

Networking can be the difference between you hearing about a job before someone else. For whatever industry you’re interested in you should join a networking association. For example, someone who is interested in fashion may join something like Fashion Group or someone looking to start a business can join Entrepreneurs Organization. Joining associations can allow you to meet people in the industry, even those who have decades of experience.

Also, meeting someone in a social setting as opposed to a formal meeting will allow your relationship to genuinely build itself, leaving the opportunity for it to become more meaningful. 

Be Prepared

Have an understanding of the point you are making by meeting people in the field you’re interested in. You should be able to answer the basic concepts of what it is you do (or want to do) and why it’s important. Don’t make it so you are walking them through your entire origin story, but be able to casually converse about what you’re doing. This will come with practice and a good understanding of your purpose. 

Be Open 

In social settings, nerves can set in making us feel shy but this is counterproductive to the purpose of networking. Don’t shy away from small talk, although it is commonly talked about negatively, you should embrace it. These conversations may turn into a bigger conversation, networking isn’t all business discussion from the jump. As well, be ready to give people your contact information (a business card is most useful) you never know what could come.

Approach Appropriately

Read the room from the jump, look for who seems open to talking (so that you are not interrupting) and introduce yourself or make a comment. The nerves can kick in when you get there and are looking for an opportunity to talk to someone. This is when using your body language to appear open and confident is useful. Remember that you are in a space where people are there to be social, there is unforeseen opportunity in these situations. 

Ask Questions

Talking about your goals and small talk can only go so far, remember you are here to build a network that involves people beyond your circle. Asking people questions about themselves and their careers can teach you a lot and express your genuine interest. You’re not interrogating the person, but make sure to always be curious. 

Be A Listener

We all love to talk about ourselves and all the success we’ve reached. However, we want to treat networking like a normal conversation, we must realize the opportunity we have to learn. Don’t always look for ways to bring the conversation back to yourself, listen to what they have to say. Being an effective listener will not only allow you to learn, but it is a skill that people notice and value. 


Networking doesn’t have to be something to be nervous about, preparing yourself and knowing what you want to gain will serve you well in your confidence. Every time you meet someone in your field, online, or in person, it is a chance to build your network. You can never know what building a relationship with someone will do for you. It can lead to relationships that stretch beyond your professional life which is especially valuable. Take chances, take risks, give yourself the chance to meet someone.

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