
Hiring in 2022: Overcoming The Virtual Shift

The past two years have imposed many obstacles for businesses adapting to the online shift of the pandemic. While this has become our new reality, companies are embracing this opportunity of being able to work from different locations. While some have been able to work from home, others have not been as fortunate.

Canada had a spike in unemployment rates at the start of the pandemic, and the country being shut down provided challenges for people to find work. These rates have dropped over recent times, but the shift to remote work may be something that is here to stay, making it worthwhile to learn about the trends of hiring remotely.

With millions of Canadians and over 70% of U.S workers doing their jobs from home, the majority of the North American market is now virtual. For a business to keep up with this shift, they need to ensure they are hiring individuals capable of operating in this new norm. Being unable to operate at the level expected will be detrimental to someone looking for a job in these times. Remote work requires the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively in an online setting. As a leader, you must be able to trust that your employees will be able to do so.

With so many people looking for jobs and some employees leaving their position for opportunities elsewhere or retiring because of the pandemic, your company will inevitably undergo online interviews. Online interviewing is not as formal as an in-person interview, yet remote hiring still requires you to look for all the qualities you would look for in an in-person interview.

Remember that even once you’ve hired someone, the online onboarding process will take time. It is important to use your emotional intelligence to assess the areas in which your employee will need the most coverage and attention. This major shift leads us to a point where we need to consider the hiring trends for this year. What can make your business stand apart in your talent acquisition?

Embrace Working Remotely

To get a sense of just how popular remote work is becoming, statistics show that almost 85% of employees find it extremely beneficial. This same study found more than half to admit they were more productive while working remotely. No matter what industry you’re in, competing this year will require your business to have a strong system for remote work. To operate this effectively, your company must have policies and training for employees to use these online platforms. Again, the onboarding process in this manner will be challenging. This is a major reason to have systems in place which relay the methods of operations to all employees.

When meeting with candidates, ask them their background with remote platforms or if they have any experience with the ones your organization uses. Another important focus point, you should pay attention to candidates' comfort being on camera. Working remotely will require individuals to be on camera for meetings, calls, presentations, whatever it may be, to ensure they can handle themselves on camera. While employees may be working in the comfort of their own domestic spaces, they are still representing the company with how they conduct themselves in the remote workplace.

DEI Initiatives

A workplace that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) will not only benefit their public image but also stand out to those looking for jobs. It will be worthwhile to bring this up in an interview to see how the candidate understands DEI in the modern workplace. Someone who shares this support will boost morale in the online environment, making it easier for team members to collaborate.

Keep in mind, even though you may be operating your business online, employee satisfaction needs to be standard practice. Also, while you may be in the power seat of offering someone a job, there needs to be an attraction for candidates to want to join your team. This should entice any company to have DEI efforts, especially considering almost 80% of workers say it is important for them to work in an environment that promotes diversity and inclusion. High-quality employees come for a position that will make them feel comfortable and able to express themselves.

Hybrid Work Opportunities

One method to consider looking into is a hybrid work model, which combines a balance of office days and remote workdays. The benefit to this model is the flexibility it allows employees, contrary to the phrase being “cooped up in the office”. Hybrid work gives freedom to employees to increase their overall well-being which is important in a time when mental health is so commonly talked about.

As an employer, you want to make sure you are offering a position that will make employees feel excited about their jobs and not trapped in a position of discomfort. Many candidates today are looking for positions that promote work-life balance, if this is something your organization can provide, it will be a big driver in applicants. Employers will notice improvements in their teams' productivity as well, this model has shown benefits in employee engagement


As we are emerging from times of COVID-19, we are not leaving without changes that the pandemic left us with. Remote work is something that saved our economy, as well as the mental well-being for some. This put in perspective that employees don’t need to commute to an office to do work, they can be just as efficient from home. As a result, organizations can bring in talent from just about anywhere.

People are becoming more creative with what they can accomplish in this digitalized world. With the availability of being able to hire from just about anywhere, job candidates are becoming more in demand. The creativity we’ve seen accompanied by the digital shift is bringing out talent never seen before. If you are looking to hire someone like this, what can you offer?

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