
Simple Tips to Help Get More Views on YouTube

YouTube is an amazing website, it houses millions of creators and content makers alike. If used effectively it can be a great way to promote you and you’re brand, but the only problem is that landing big can be quite hard and challenging. 

Marketers are always in search and trying to find ways to generate more views on YouTube, boosting your content is very important if you want to be landing your target audience. 

Even then only about 9% of small businesses use YouTube to promote their brand, even with millions of active users who use the website. 

If your videos aren’t getting any views, there’s a good chance you’re videos are missing something and not sticking with people, then they click off. One thing to remember for the YouTube algorithm is that your videos only get promoted to people’s recommendations if people are actively engaging with your content via commenting, sharing the video around, leaving likes, etc. 

In this post, we will cover the basics and the fundamentals that will help you in the long run and after reading you will be left confident, in generating more views on YouTube. 

Great Content Gets More Views 

This should be obvious, we should all strive and create quality content for others to enjoy is the motto, but it’s something that a lot of people on social media ignore. 

If you want to get more views, you have to strive to create good content. If you can start doing that, it makes getting views a lot easier because you want people to have a reason to come back and watch your videos. 

Go and feel free to check out InVideo, it’s an easy editing software that anyone with no editing experience can easily use. They offer many different solutions and features that can help make your videos look great. This is an asset because good editing is key to keeping your viewers engaged and keep watching your video. 

Don’t be over-obsessed about the length of your video, if your content is engaging and interesting to watch, this should never be a problem for you. If people like what they’re watching they won’t mind spending a long time watching it. 

The same is applied to the production value of your video.

Video Production Isn’t Everything 

You will probably hear a lot from content creators, that everything needs to be the highest quality to get big, which isn’t all true. You can still make great videos with a limited amount of resources. 

Many markets put a lot of money into their videos, so it’s top-quality content but you can still make good content even if it’s not on the same budget. YouTube is forgiving those who make good content. 

When your video starts to get more traction, then start putting more time and money into your production because you don’t want to be putting in your time into something that won’t be worth the effort. 

Make sure you have good audio quality because nothing makes people click off faster than bad audio, so make sure to invest in a microphone for yourself. If you are making a screen-catching video, have good resolution and good audio. 

If your style of video is going to be a slide show make sure to have strong photo’s and minimalistic text to keep the viewer’s attention because no one wants to be reading a wall of text, that’s just too boring and we don’t want our viewers to be sleeping through the video. Haiku Deck is a good tool for this kind of content. Custom thumbnails are great for helping people remember your brand. 

Focus On The Value Above Anything Else

For any kind of content that you are doing, you want to be able to provide something new to the table because there are many others who are doing the same thing as well. You want to be making yourself stand out amongst the crowd and proved value, showing your views why they should watch your content instead of others. 

What can you provide them with that will be useful and interesting? 

Take time to look at blog posts that are in your niche and see what have they done to be able to be successful. Use websites like Buzzsumo, or look at YouTube videos to get inspired by them and take what they have and reach to create even better videos. 

Optimizing Your Youtube Videos 

Very important things that you should always be adding to you’re video’s 

● Title 

● Tags

● Description 

● Thumbnail 

When it comes to these main 4, always try to keep things as simple as possible. 

The most important thing is to have a good thumbnail that catches the attention of your viewer, it needs to be strong and clear and make you want to click on it. 

Titles are the second most important because once you catch the viewer’s attention, they will want to read the title about the contents of the video itself. Having a catchy title can help generate more clicks on your video. 

Tags are a great resource to help get your video to reach people’s recommendations, try to use 10-12 max and make sure they are related to your topic. 

A good description should look like:

● Put any links that you need to put on your video at the top 

● Your first keyword should be in the first 25 words 

● The description should be 250 words max 

● Make to include your keyword 3-4 times 

Another tip would be to put timestamps for sections in your video, that way viewers can find the interesting parts and skip to them. 

Promote Your Videos

Any social media you have such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Have a website? Do the same as well! You should always be promoting your video as much as possible, the wider the audience the better. Even using YouTube’s community page is a good way for your subscribers to know that a new video is coming up. 

Try even experimenting with YouTube ads, those can definitely help with reaching people who have never seen your content and maybe even complied to go and check your channel for themselves. 


YouTube can be a tricky website to get big since there are many downfalls that could happen. Getting more views is a complex process on its own and it is hard to nail.

Hopefully, you can now feel more confident and have a better sense of how the YouTube landscape is with these tips and tricks, but make sure to make it your priority to keep creating top-quality content. If you can keep focusing on that you will do great. 

Did you find any of these tips useful? If so feel free to comment down below about the ones that you will be using and if you have any suggestions on other tips as well, comment on those too! We would love to hear them! 

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