New Business

What To Do Before Expanding Your Business

As an entrepreneur, it’s exciting to think of all the great things that your business could do. As a business grows, continuing to plan and develop is important as you never want to find yourself at a standstill. However, to do this effectively, you must operate within your means. 

This does not mean limiting yourself or being frugal, businesses should always look ahead to see what they can add and improve on. What it does mean, is reviewing your resources and responsibilities before investing in expansion.

This may seem straightforward but any entrepreneur will attest that the temptation to expand is inevitable. The value is knowing what is necessary to expand on and when it’s appropriate to do so. Now what’s also important to note is that running a business will not be smooth sailing. An entrepreneur must be willing and able to handle and plan for contingencies.

This is a complex concept, but there are some things you can do to be prepared:


Visualizing where your efforts are taking the organization is essential, and making sure everyone is aligned with that vision is just as important. This is what you base your efforts on to legitimize expansion. Now, this may not be some big ultimate vision with flying car parking in your office complex. It starts with short-term goals, where you want to be this time next year or what you need to be prepared for in the next 6 months. 

Having small goals not only pulls you in the right direction, but it also gets everyone in the habit of and hungry for accomplishing tasks. 

Assess Who Is Helping

Organizations should consistently dedicate time to assess how well their needs are being filled by vendors. How are they helping production? Are they reliable? Is there anyone else offering something better? These are the kinds of questions a business needs to have answers to when it comes to where they’re allocating their resources. 

If your business wants to move forward, you need to be working with businesses that want the same. You become more than a client to your vendors, they become your partners. Partners are major players in the performance of your business so choose wisely. 

Team of Ambassadors

Brands with employees who promote the organization are an attraction for consumers and talent that could work for you. If you are working for a brand, why wouldn’t you promote the services you offer? This will also be beneficial down the line if better job openings come up. If you want to move up in the organization, this could be something that separates you from the rest. Recruiters will be sure to check your social media and if you show that you are passionate about who you work for, that will make them likely to choose you.  

A team is what makes an organization thrive, with the right leadership people can feel empowered by their role.


With every innovation or even unexpected change, there needs to be level-headedness. There are two types of issues, one can be controlled by your behaviour and the other is out of your control. What’s important is only focusing on what can be controlled by behaviour and action because that is how you later influence the outcome of what can’t be controlled at the moment. 

Giving up or holding back due to circumstances is not how a business grows. It grows by paying close attention to what’s going on around your industry and preparing to conform to those needs.

What’s the Takeaway?

Running a business takes a lot of willpower, it becomes like a child. This is why entrepreneurs have to be intentional with every decision made in their business. Deciding to expand is a step to a new level with more opportunities. But this is only the case when that step is taken after concluding it is in the best interest of the company.

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6 Factors That Will Help YOU Determine Which Business YOU Should Start

What business should you start? Here’s some factors to help you decide.

For new entrepreneurs, it can be hard to choose what kind of business to start. This decision will determine the success of your business in the future. The right path may depend on some important factors, such as budget, time, and scalability. 


It is important to be able to properly fund your company idea and plan your budget at the beginning. You should look at how much money it may look like to get the business started and analyze your current financial situation. 

Then next you should create a financial plan to look at what it may cost to run a successful new business. 

Available Resources and Time

First, consider the number of resources and time you need to jump-start your business idea. Studies show it takes on average two to three years for a company to become profitable, during that time you will be spending a lot of effort as you try to maintain and launch your business. 

Then take inventory of the resources you have and make a pros and cons list of adding a business partner to help assist. 


Your business’s scalability is important to consider. Here are some questions to ask yourself when thinking about if your business idea will grow sustainably and efficiently: 

  • Does your idea connect with your customer demand?

  • Can you duplicate the service and product multiple times?

  • As the business grows, will your business idea meet customer standards and needs?

  • Does your business idea have to be constantly adjusted or reevaluated over time?

If the answer is “no” to any of these questions, you may need to reevaluate if this business idea is right for you. 

Market Demand and Size

When starting a business, it requires research into your business’s ideal consumer base and audience and/or your target market. Ask yourself how your business idea can solve your customer’s problem and what they would do without your service or product. 

During this time you should also research your competitors and learn why consumers may be more drawn to other products and services than yours. Also, evaluate if your idea has enough demand to become profitable, it may be difficult to break into a market with a lot of competition. 

Your Experience

It is important to have a basic understanding of how to start a business, it also helps to have expertise in your area of business. You should start by researching the competition and business resources to see if your idea will thrive in the current market. 

Then you should freshen up on your knowledge of the industry that your business idea is in, and brainstorm how to impact and contribute to that industry. Additionally, hire a consultant to help you or make time to take courses to assist in the business process. 

Your Interest and Passion

From an interest or passion you have, a great business idea may come from there. Persistence and passion are very important, as starting a business comes with fear of failure, obstacles, and late nights. If you start your business on a great idea that you are passionate about then it will help to sustain you through hard times. 


Ready to start your business now? By having the correct budget, available time and resources, scalability, knowing your target market, expertise in your industry, and passion and interest then go get your idea off the ground!

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