
iHeartCam: A Security Camera App

iHeartCam is a surveillance camera app that lets you watch over your home, workspace, family, and even pets. iHeartCam can be used on your mobile device that notifies you anytime sounds/movement is detected. With iHeartCam you can watch live footage over your designated areas from wherever you may be while being connected to WiFi or Cellular Data.

Here are some key features of iHeartCam that makes it a highly trusted surveillance service:

Easy to use 

Install iHeartCam on both devices, your primary and secondary, and select camera mode and begin recording on your second device, once completed you can watch over your cameras anywhere and anytime.

Live camera streaming

As a highly trusted surveillance app, you can watch the live footage being broadcasted by your devices at any time you want.

Multi-monitor and camera

You can set up as many cameras as you want that you can view on your main device.

Endless reach

From wherever you may be you can access your security cameras as long as you have a WiFi connection or Cellular Data.

Able to communicate through Microphone

In the app you can communicate through the cameras, just unmute the microphone and talk.

Sound and movement notification 

iHeartCam detects movement and sounds, once detected you will receive a notification letting you know. 


In conclusion, iHeartCam is a great surveillance camera app that allows you to watch over and communicate with all the places you have set your cameras, from anywhere with a connection to WiFi or Cellular Data.

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Top 10 Ways to Gain Profit from a Mobile App

An entrepreneur’s dream is to have the ability to do everything you need, all in one place. What’s better than that one place being a mobile app directly connected to your phone; allowing you to work anywhere, anytime.

Apps are definitely a growing market, especially amidst the pandemic. We have relied on apps for nearly everything. From connecting to friends, business meetings, and starting up businesses to find alternative ways to make money without the need to go anywhere. 

However, as this is a fast-paced growing market, there is a significant amount of money that goes into apps – billions of dollars for a rough estimate, and that number is always continuing to grow. 

Based on the stats from Statista – global mobile app revenues were calculated to be $69.7 billion US dollars in 2015, and in a short 5 years it is estimated to basically triple to be $188.9 billion by 2020. 

You may have come up with a savvy idea for an app, but like most, are unsure how to make it a reality. We’ll be discussing and going into detail on just how to do so.


How to Generate a Profit from Mobile Apps

In order to make money, we need to understand the HOW.

The 3 Basic Methods on how to get monetization include;

  • App downloads

  • In-app purchases

  • In-app advertising

As you must know, if you want to maximize the number of downloads your app should be free. Although, it is recommended to create both a paid and a free version and analyze which one will make you the most money.

Deciding which monetization method to use for your app, all trickles down to WHAT kind of app you want to launch, as well as your target audience!

Conclusively, the best strategy to monetize your app, is to integrate it and make it feel like an ordinary part of the experience; you want to grow a large, active user platform to increase chances for revenue.


In-App Purchases

  • An option that makes initially downloading the app free, but then provides consumers who would like to, pay for “deluxe” features within your app.

  • This is most common in games or gaming apps; for new levels or accessories for characters


In-App Advertising

  • Creates revenue from clicks and impressions

  • In-app advertisements can vary for different sizes, positions, and placements


10 Steps to Creating a Profitable App

1. Create a vision

  • Find your purpose and come up with rough ideas

  • Questions you can ask yourself:

o   What do you want your app to do?

o   What problem is it going to solve?

o   Who is your target audience?

o   How are you going to make money with your app?


2. Research the Market

  • Take your idea, and investigate what other apps are out there like it

  • Plan accordingly and design your app so it stands out from the others


3. Create a Sketch

  • Put your idea to paper, and draw out what each individual page and screen would look like

  • It can be done on pen and paper or you can use a wireframing structure such as;

o   Pidoco

o   Axure

o   Microsoft Visio

o   Evernote Penultimate


4. Design the Appearance

  • Take your wireframe ideas, and add colour and design


5. Back End Coding

  • The largest phase of the app development

  • While your code is being created by software developers, it is a good opportunity to register for a developer account with Google Play or the Apple App Store


6. Test your App

  • This is a crucial stage, since you want to make sure your app is fully functioning

  • At this point every screen should work and appear well


7. Modify and Adjust

  • From the testing stage; adjust your prototype and make the tweaks necessary to polish up the app


8. Beta Testing

  • This allows you to recruit testers from your target audience

  • You can recruit the ideal beta testers from Twitter, Reddit, etc.

  • Make sure the testers get engaged, giving you the most feedback


9. Launch your App

  • Wrap up the final changes and then release!

  • For Android: you are able to simply add your app and start selling it in Google Play

  • For Apple: your app will have to be reviewed before it goes live, this takes time, anywhere between 3-10 days


10.  Market your App

  • Promoting and marketing your app is important to ensure consumers know about it and start downloading the app; so, it can begin making money right away

  • A good way to market your app is to promote it through your social media platforms, for example on Instagram through both stories and posts.

Creating a profitable app is no easy task, reach out to us today and learn more about how we can help you launch your next great business idea!


8 App Ideas to Build Your Brand 

Since the start of the mobile app invention, the way they operate and the way in which you and I use online services have changed immensely. Apps being one of the largest contributors to growing profits, more and more businesses are inclined to join the playing field. 

Not only are mobile apps a great way to promote your brand and increase your earnings, you can also establish better customer relations, by gaining their trust with a strong technical development environment. 

When trying to think of an idea for an app, it can be difficult to find the right one. Here’s a list to help you out: 

1. Education 

If students are already spending so much time on their phones, why not make use of it in an educational sense? An app that would surely do well is an editing mobile app! Teachers are always telling students to proofread their work before submitting it and what better way to do so?

A developer could create such an app to highlight grammatical errors and potentially suggest different style-choice words. Along with this, when it comes to researching, some valuable information isn’t online because it’s stored away in libraries. Why not create an app that has access to older books with informative content that can’t otherwise be found with a simple Google search? 

Maybe even your business could benefit from the creation of a sort of LinkedIn app, but one that serves solely for students looking for internships or entry-level jobs. This could be a space for students to post their resumes and get easily connected with professionals. 

2. Travel App Ideas 

Obviously we are living through a pandemic right now, but it won’t last forever (here’s hoping)! As soon as it’s over, the first thing people will want to do is travel and leave their homes after being cooped up inside for so long. The travel industry is a booming market and will only continue to be as soon as travel restrictions are lifted. 

With that said, there are so many apps that can be developed to help out fellow travelers. 

Think of an app like a luxurious uber, for wealthy clients looking to book private transportation or rent specific vehicles while traveling. Maybe even recommendations for booking private jets, boats, and trailer trucks. 

Expanding off the idea of airbnb wouldn’t be too bad, it’s a large market and there’s much innovation to be done! 

3. Augmented Reality 

As technological advancements like augmented reality (AR) are on the rise, this is the time to invest! Why not consider an AR-based application to help build brand awareness for your business? 

If you’re in the furniture business for example, you can create an app where people can virtually combine different furniture sets together and create a type of augmented reality virtual store. Bring your brand into life with an app like this! 

4. University Students 

With all the rustle and bustle of university life, it can be hard to manage time between assignments, exams, and so forth. Create an app where students can have easy access to their syllabus to view due dates, a schedule manager for assignments, maybe even a click through action for student support. 

By creating an app that would include a feature for class or homework reminders, or even potential scholarships for financial assistance, this idea would more than likely take off towards success! 

5. Healthcare 

Although there are plenty of technological advancements helping everyday modern healthcare, the sector is still lacking in proper mobile apps. Creating an app side-by-side with healthcare professionals can help stimulate medical talks, procedures, patient symptoms, cures, and such. 

You could also combine this idea with an AR-based app, allowing doctors to visualize the human body to better explore and discover causes of certain illnesses. If you’re in the supplier business, create an app that serves as a medium between hospitals and suppliers, connecting each other to surgical equipment, various appointments, etc. 

Quick and efficient communication is heavily emphasized within this sector. 

6. Fitness 

With quarantine and all, people are looking to get back into shape! Although this is a more competitive landscape, there’s still lots of room for improvement. Incorporate features from various successful apps like MyFitnessPal or Fitbit and create something unique. 

If you’re a business selling workout equipment, why not create an app to give free trials, virtual workout sessions, and of course, an app to sell your equipment. You could even offer advice from fitness experts like diet plans or workout routines. 

7. Music 

The love for music lives on in everyone! Streaming music services are growing more and more in today’s climate. It may be hard to create an entirely new app in relation to this, but you could collaborate and create playlists!

By doing so, it will increase brand awareness and evidently customer relations and sales. 

8. Virtual Reality 

Just like AR, virtual reality (VR) is enhancing our daily lives and is only becoming more and more popular. VR-based apps can be useful for a wide range of purposes, from education to entertainment, there’s much room to grow and invent something new. 

For instance, combine your music playlist with a VR world immersed in a calm environment for a meditation session. This can relate back to the healthcare industry as well, as meditation is proven time and time again to improve one’s mental health. 

In terms of education, integrating learning mechanisms with technological advancements as such can enhance one’s knowledge. For example, if you’re teaching students about history, why not give them a tour of the medieval times in virtual mode? This will highly interest the students, only making them want to learn more and expand their knowledge! 

Niche Markets That Haven’t Been Explored: 

Maybe consider some of the following ideas for your next app invention:

  • Adventure guide for unknown and rarely traveled locations 

  • Guide on how to spend less and save more 

  • Quiz app offering monetary prizes 

Ultimately though, the greatest way to come up with an idea for a new app launch is to do the following:

  • Identify the problems that exist around you, then come up with a solution 

  • Review existing apps in that field, find their weaknesses and come up with a great example

  • Explore current trends in the market 

  • Make sure to do your research and write down all the ideas that are flowing! 

Launch Date Approaching 

Now, you’ve come up with an amazing and unique mobile app idea, but don’t know where to start. Developing an app can be quite complex and difficult if you don’t have any developers with skills to do so. 

We can make it easy for you and guide you through the process. Let us help you create the next big thing in this fast-paced world! Contact us today.