
It’s Our Gratitude What Makes Us Stronger

By choosing thankfulness for what we have, we become stronger, not weaker.

Gratitude isn’t a cure for negative emotions, nor is it their replacement; let’s get this clear from the start.
Honesty about our feelings must be paramount if we were to allow gratitude to emerge amid our circumstances and emotions.

Thankfulness boils down to set our mind on all the positive things that exist in our lives in any given moment instead of worrying about what we don’t have.

Instead of depending on externals to make us happy, we have to accept that lasting happiness comes from within.


Any of this means we should let our personal and professional life wither and die; on the contrary, while we strive for growth, we must practice gratitude for the abundance we already have.

This type of mindset will set us free from constantly feeling discontent or restless for more and that feeling that we never get to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

The more we practice this, the easier we may shift our state and mood towards the positive, eventually becoming masters of our emotional state.


Why is gratitude so important?

When we embrace mental abundance, we’re able to experience its benefits and the stillness it brings.

We know this for a fact: the state of our brain in gratitude is much like its state in love.

When we’re in that state, our brain’s neural circuitry releases large amounts of dopamine and serotonin, the James Brown neurochemical cocktail that makes us feel good, fostering optimism, camaraderie, willpower and positive emotions.

The more we practice it, the more we activate the neurocircuitry responsible for this gratitude response; the circuits then become stronger and, with time, the resulting positive feelings become more stable fixtures in our outlook.


Other benefits of gratitude include:

. Social benefits: it opens the door to more relationships while expanding our capacity for empathy

. Physical health: it leads to better self-care, sleep, and overall health

. Psychological health: practicing gratitude helps us manage negative feelings while increasing mental strength.



Take a moment today to practice gratitude, build that muscle so it becomes more reflexive, and buy yourself a moment in time where you’ll be connected with your life and all its abundance.


Stay strong!




One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit




Invite Opportunity into Your Life


Every day there’s opportunity surrounding us, especially in the summertime; plants blooming, and everything is coming into its fullness… New life is everywhere.
This is a powerful time to tune into the Universe’s abundance and invite it into our life.

Whether it is an improvement in our professional life that brings in more wealth or a new or renewed relationship that fills our life with bliss; there’s no downside to opening ourselves up to what life has in store.

Here are four ways to open our doors to opportunity into our lives:


1. Cultivate an abundance mindset

For many of us, having enough never feels like enough because we live with a scarcity mindset. When we live our lives in constant worry that the well is about to run dry, we tend to create a self-fulfilling prophecy, and even if that never happens, we produce a lot of unnecessary anxiety.

We need to be able to start each morning with a state of mind that cultivates abundance; reassure ourselves in the great things we already have, and be sure that more and better things are on their way.


2. Clear our minds and our schedule

We live in a culture that glorifies busy and productive and leaves little room for quiet exploration of self. But those moments of solitude are exactly what you need; if you are hyper-focused on staying busy, opportunities will pass you by. You need breathing room to explore what you really want, and clearing your mind and opening your schedule will allow you to make room for the opportunity you most desire into your life.


3. Practice Gratitude

We need to thank people for sharing their time, their expertise and their experience with us, whether with a handwritten note or an email. Let’s thank people who have influenced our growth; people who have shown up for us during hard times in our life. The act of writing down our gratitude and literally sending it out into the world will help invite opportunity our way.

It also reminds us to live in a state of gratitude and abundance. Showing our appreciation and interest in others will bring both giver and receiver a tremendous boost in happiness.


4. Get curious

Why do we stop being curious about our world and ourselves? Remember your childhood and how much the world opened up because of it?
Opportunity loves growth, so if we’re doing different things, thinking differently and pursuing a wide variety of new goals regularly, chances are the world would be opening its doors to us.


Let’s allow ourselves to be curious, pursue our real interests, and lean into learning more about ourselves.

Our job as human beings is to grow and share; and in doing so, we will attract opportunity into our lives.


Stay strong!






One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

Harnessing the Overlooked Power of Faith


“There is no problem in any situation that faith will not solve.”

What if we believe there is a beneficent order to things? A force that’s holding things together without our conscious control?

What if we could get to see that force at work in our daily lives?
And what if we could believe this force to be loving, caring and protective in essence?


The Universe is an array of mechanisms with a brilliance of design and efficiency our human efforts haven’t got even close to grasping… Planets revolve around stars, seeds become flowers, and embryos become babies, all without any help from us; we don’t have to make them work, they just do.

Nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease . . . with carefreeness, harmony, and love. And if we could harness the forces of harmony, joy, and love, we create success and good fortune with effortless ease.

Their flow is built into a natural system, and you and I are an integral part of that system.


What if we could let our lives be directed by the same force that makes flowers grow, instead of forcing our will into it?
What if we could rely more on Faith?

But what is Faith? Is it to place our trust into something based on things we hope for?
I believe that’s a poor, traditional, and weak definition of it

Faith is trust in the force that moves the Universe. Faith isn’t blind, it is visionary; it is believing that the Universe is on our side and that the Universe knows what it’s doing.

Faith is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good, constantly at work in the world around us.


When we attempt to direct or manipulate this force, we only interfere with is; but when we trust and relax into it, we allow it to work on our behalf.

When we don’t use our Faith, we’re frantically trying to control what it is not our business to control and to control what it’s not in our power to fix. I mean we can, but only from our limited and biased point of view, which most of the time is far from what’s really best for us, and ends up being a waste of our time.

We truly find our power not in actively pursuing a goal, but in finding the path of less resistance; allowing our goal to come naturally to us.


Every given moment is as it’s supposed to be.
When we accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they happen, we take responsibility for those situations and events, and stop seeing them as problems and start seeing them as learning and growth opportunities, and that allows us to take those moments and transform them into a great benefit.

That’s the way we get in harmony with the flow of the Universe.



Stay strong!

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit