5 Reasons to Use Python for Artificial Intelligence

In the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been transformed enormously, turning into reality what a few years ago was considered just fiction. AI can be defined as any digital artifact that extends some of the capabilities related to natural intelligence. For example; automatic vision systems and voice and pattern recognition systems.

For AI development, Python stands out as the best programming language. It is considered a high-level programming language due to it being used in complicated scenarios. Furthermore, it does not need to be compiled into the machine language instruction before execution because it is an interpreted language, so the programmer can use it directly to execute the program.


In this blog, we will give you some reasons why Python is widely used for AI.

1.The library ecosystem

First is the large number of libraries that Python has. These libraries allow developers to access entry-level elements so they don't have to code from scratch every time.

A library is one or more modules published by different sources such as PyPi, here different fragments of pre-written codes are included, allowing programmers to carry out different actions.

AIMA, pyDatalog, and SimpleAI are some of the more widespread libraries that you can use for AI.

In the PyPI repository, you can discover other Python libraries.


2. Multi-platform

Python is not only a flexible language with a manageable learning curve, but it also stands out for being versatile. Windows, Linux, and MacOS are some of the platforms Python can run on for machine learning development. To migrate the code from one platform to another, developers only have to make small-scale changes so that the code is executable on the newly chosen platform.

3. Readability

Python is also an easy-to-read language, so developers can understand code written by other developers. This leads to an efficient exchange of ideas, algorithms, and even tools among AI experts.

There are several forums where Python developers from all over the world share tutorials and support each other. Making the job of coding easier compared to other languages.


4. Visualization options

Earlier we talked about the variety of libraries that Python has, and some of them are very good tools for visualization. Libraries like Matplotlib allow you to create diagrams, graphs, and histograms to facilitate the understanding of the data, providing better visualization of the content.

5. Marked growth in popularity

In recent years Python has become the most popular programming language. Among the factors that have influenced this result is that in Python, the validation of ideas can be done between 20 and 30 lines of code, being considerably faster than using other languages, which makes it an extremely useful language for AI.


To conclude, Python's numerous library options, and its characteristics as a programming language make it the language for excellence for Artificial Intelligence.

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