Proper Application Development Creates Real Business Value


It is easy to understand why bring-your-own-device strategies and mobile solutions have become more popular in a corporate setting. The increased functionality of smartphones and tablets have made it possible to handle business-critical tasks from the palm of an employee's hand. All that's required is a wireless internet connection.

However, to get the most out of a mobile solution, IT decision makers need to do much more than just allow workers to use their iPhones and Surface tablets to check their email. A recent press release from 5app - an app toolkit vendor - discussed what businesses need to be aware of when looking for ways to connect with an increasingly growing mobile workforce.

The release quotes 5app's CTO Tim King. According to King, it is necessary for technology executives to understand the limitations of mobile technologies, especially the communications infrastructure, in order to develop applications that deliver real business value.

"When considering commissioning or developing a mobile app, you need to look over and beyond the normal design issues," said King. "Firstly, consider what devices you need to support from the start. If you are going to need cross-platform, think about it early - don't start with one device type and then consider moving to other platforms if the first is a success as this doubles, triples or even quadruples your costs."

He goes on to say that the mobile experience should parallel any other corporate solutions with quality performance, reliability, and availability. Failure to do this can result in a costly mistake that requires the entire project to be scrapped and started again.

 A quality application development firm can ensure businesses of any size get the exact mobile program they are looking for.


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