Why Hire a Software Development Company in Canada?

Next to a giant like the United States, Canada can often get lost in the background thanks to its smaller population and unassuming reputation. However, there’s a lot to be said about the potential goldmine Canada has to offer, especially in terms of tech talent.

Software development is a crucial aspect of any business that wants to stand a chance in today’s world. There are countless processes in any given company that can benefit from being automated.

Hiring within North America can be very expensive—if you don’t know where to look. Some benefits to hiring a software development company in Canada include:


A group of engineers working together.

Curious about what Canadian tech talent can bring to the table?


Canada is known as the Silicon Valley of the North. Thanks to its rapidly growing tech sector still being somewhat untapped, businesses have the opportunity to utilize top talent at a relatively cheaper cost while remaining within North America.


Canada is home to some of the top universities in the world. Canada is constantly building up highly-talented tech workers, and it shows: “The Toronto-Waterloo corridor is the largest tech cluster in North America outside of Silicon Valley.” It’s crucial not to overlook the huge pool of talent waiting just North of the United States. This corridor is also recognized as the #1 Startup, Cleantech, and Fintech ecosystems in Canada.


The expertise within a Canadian software development company is guaranteed to deliver beyond the expectation. Software companies grown in the environment of a newer Silicon Valley is shaped to take software solutions to the next level. It’s no coincidence that our tech scene is booming with a tech worker density comparable to Silicon Valley, and way above that of New York and Seattle. According to the Waterloo Economic Development Agency, the Toronto-Waterloo corridor is home to 15,000 tech companies, including 5,000+ startups, and more than 300,000 employees in high-tech industries.

Next-level Outsourcing

Nearshore outsourcing is a great way to continue to lower costs of software projects. A Canadian software company that prioritizes training outsourced talent to the same standard brings all the benefits of homegrown skilled workers to the forefront of any project.

Time Zone

Man working on laptop checking his watch.

When looking for software solutions, it’s tempting to outsource to countries like India, China, or the Philippines. There are many talented engineers outside of the continent ready to work, and while the world has largely moved to working entirely online, there are still too many negatives when it comes to outsourcing so far away.

Offshore Cons

The biggest setback, of course, is the massive differences in time zone. When you have teams that are anywhere from six to twelve hours off from your local team, it can wreak havoc on your projects. This can cause issues and delays, as communications break down easily and time is lost to waiting on days-late responses. Too much time is lost trying to wait or accommodate to offshore teams.

Language barriers can also be an unfortunate setback. When outlining the needs of a software solution, there can be no room for misunderstandings, lest there be more delays and missed deadlines.

Nearshore Pros

When hiring local or nearshore, work is efficient thanks to a shared eight-hour workday. Building a software solution is highly collaborative in nature; any successful project demands a fast-paced and responsive communication approach, which is made simpler when working with engineers in your time zone.


A group of four friends embracing in an open field.

Canadians have a reputation for being really nice. While there’s debate on how true the stereotype is, it’s true that Canadians tend to be more altruistic when compared to their American neighbours. Isn’t that ideal when working on something as important as the backbone of your business?

Canadian talent also offers a wide worldview, as the immigration system allows for people from across the globe to gather in one place and collaborate on shared goals. The diversity and openness of Canadian culture encourages the melding of ideas, leading to unprecedented creativity and innovation.

This also creates opportunity for empathy, an important element to working with any software development company. It’s crucial to work with a team that truly understands the ins and outs of your business, while also seeing beyond the verbalized wants and into the needs of any software solutions.

ISU Corp calls this practice the Owner’s Mindset. Our teams are trained to see beyond the specifications of a project to cover all of a clients’ bases. Our experts are ready to analyze a businesses’ needs and deliver software tailored to suit its needs.

The Takeaway

Hiring a software development company in Canada is a strong choice for any business to make. Canada is home to globally reputable universities, which means a constant stream of new, highly-talented engineers, tech workers, and entrepreneurs. Canada’s technology sector is growing exponentially, and with this comes the opportunity for businesses to hire skilled software development companies at prices well below their American counterparts, while still upholding a level of standard that can only be brought from teams in North America. Consider working with ISU Corp, a world-class software development company that participated in the creation of Canada’s Silicon Valley. You can learn more how ISU Corp can add massive value to your business by watching this 2 minute video here.

ISU Corp is an award winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost effective custom software development, technology management, and outsourcing. Our unique owner’s mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines up to 70%. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects. Talk to us.

Written By Natalie Mansilla

ISU Corp is an award winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

Our unique owners mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs, to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects.  Contact us here.