How To Modernize Your Applications

Ever since the application boom of 2008, it has become increasingly common for firms to create and manage their own software applications. These applications may assist in anything from daily business operations to communications; however, we have reached a point in time where a question needs to be asked, has your application become outdated? If you answered yes, it may be time for a digital transformation. 

Given that the technological landscape is constantly progressing forward, modernizing an existing application that is partially or completely outdated is crucial to maintaining a smooth business operation. 

What Does Application Modernization Mean? 

Basically, the process of modernizing an application means that you are revamping your old applications with new and cutting-edge functionalities, ensuring that the speed, ease of use, and security of the application are at no risk of falling behind the growing technological curve. Given the nature of outdated (legacy) applications, chances are that they have been stuffed by years of application updates and add-ons, which may cause a decay of the functionalities and security of the application. 

Why is it Time for Modernization? 

In the current stage of technology and business, the technology is already a step behind the curve if it only functions as a resource to get work done. Instead, a modern application should be creating a certain level of value for the firm, as well as assisting with business processes. Overall, the long-term benefits of modernizing your application will outweigh the short-term pain of getting it done. Some of the benefits include: 


  • In simple terms, an older application requires dedicating a larger amount of time and resources by your IT team to maintaining its functionality. Should you update the application, this will allow for some of the IT team’s resources to be shifted somewhere else.   

User Satisfaction

  • Any user of the application, whether employees or customers, will benefit from modernized functionality, an overhaul of the interface, and new features being added which may smooth out their workflow. The addition of the ability to use the application in the cloud will result in more flexibility - a luxury that people have grown accustomed to. 

Competitive Edge

  • A firm should always have an understanding of its competition and the industry standards of technological capabilities. Imagine that you are a customer who has the choice between two nearly identical websites. One website has been modernized so it runs effectively and the other website is older, slower, and harder to use. Nine times out of ten the customer chooses the modernized website. It is also important to note that the firm with the modernized application will enable employees to work more productively.


  • Security vulnerabilities need to be taken seriously, especially if your firm needs to maintain a level of confidentiality on its application. There is always a potential for a cyber breach to come from an external user (hacker) or an internal user (employee), and if your legacy application has not been adequately modernized, it will be a lot easier for the hacker to gain access. If your company cannot guarantee at least an industry average level of security, then you are at a disadvantage from the competition

The Next Steps

If your firm decides to modernize its applications, the next decision is how much you need to change. If the changes that need to be made are minuscule, you can simply rehost the application to the cloud, allowing for more to be done with the application at a lower cost. Secondly, you can decide to rebuild the application if it functions properly but needs a make-over. Thirdly, you may just up and decide to replace the entire operating system if it is so outdated that the first two steps are inaccessible. While going through the process of modernizing may seem like a lot of work, I can assure you that your firm will reap the long-term benefits for years to come. 

If you are interested in learning more or want to create your own app, reach out to one of our experts at ISU Corp!