How to Build Software With an End-User Mindset

Software development is a solution or an answer to the needs of a technical environment. This can be something as large and complicated as an app with millions of users or as simple as a small-scale e-commerce store. What’s important to note is that these solutions are not for the development team's satisfaction, but rather for the parties who’ve brought their issues to be solved by the development team. Sounds like common sense right? Yes, we understand this concept to be true but it is not always at the forefront of a development team's project roadmap. 

Any software developer can piece together an idea and materialize it in an application. However, for that application to succeed, there needs to be sufficient research, communication with the customer, and testing. In this section, we will be going over how development teams can enforce what’s known as an “end-user mindset” through their development process. 

What is an “end-user” mindset?

The concept is quite simple, but that doesn’t make the execution aspect easy. An end-user mindset is implemented by aligning the development process with the needs of your target audience in mind. This means that consistent improvement, data-driven development, and customer satisfaction remain at the front of all team members' concerns. 

Why is it important?

The reason there is any need to emphasize this approach is that developers commonly release the minimum standard features that check the boxes of the job description but don’t take into account the long-term success of their customers. This isn’t necessarily intentional as there can be issues in communication between developers and the sales team arranging the deadline or the team might simply be unable to identify bugs in their code.

The possible issues are a long list; some can be mitigated with scrum/agile methodologies, but it doesn’t make the product bulletproof or replace the value of tending to the end-user's needs. Even during testing phases, every possible contingency cannot be recognized and tested, which always leaves that risk on the table.

Consider that technology and data are fairly new factors in decision making but they’ve established themselves as pillars of the process. Most businesses today know that technology is a make-or-break factor for the team's success. This makes business in the tech sector extremely volatile. The United States alone is home to nearly 50,000 tech startups, most of which will not survive their first 5-10 years in business. This is the most competitive market in the world, and differentiating your business from the competition with an end-user mindset might be a contributor to your success. 

Here are some tactics to set your organization off on the right foot:

User-centred design (UCD)

User-centred design is a byproduct of user-focused development methodology. This approach follows guidelines that are formed based on analysis from interactions with the end-user. For example, this includes prioritizing touch bases, identifying requirements, and overall observance of the behaviours of the audience throughout the software development process.

Essentially, UCD is meant to throw out the client's old playbook and implement new software solutions as opposed to adding optimization features to the original system. The best software developers will take feedback into account and use it as inspiration for the changes they make to development features. The idea is that consistent communication with your end-user means you’ll know what they want and how they want it. Once that is established, you can build a product that addresses all concerns and will support the application's long-term functionality.

Test the product’s viability

Before full-blown software development is implemented, it will be wise to undergo tests that ensure what you’re building is something people want. A concept can seem like a great idea when you map it out, but nothing will tell the truth like the reaction of the market.

Cost-effective testing: Testing software doesn’t need to be done on a large scale audience. An effective method could be to gather several people and observe how they react and interact with various features of an application. Additionally, simply asking consumers their areas of concern with the system (previous or prototype) and what aspects they like are great for constructing a product that the market wants.

Identify requirements

Basing a product around the desires of your market requires you to compile a report of your product's goals, the overall vision, scope, cost, and timeline. The purpose of this is again, to make sure all necessary features are built into the product without having to go back and change too much. 

When this aspect is neglected, it leads to communication issues, an unorganized workflow, and an overall lack of cohesion which will result in a poor final result. 

Strategically improving the product

New factors (both external and internal) are going to present themselves in the market as well as in your organization. Most companies have a clear vision of how they want their product to look and operate overall but still fall short by neglecting a plan for consistent innovation. Consider some of the social media platforms you or people you know use daily. Notice that there are constant updates to the look and feel of the platform, some of which stay, and others improved on. Who inspires these changes? 

Well, notice the recent trend of platforms adopting TikTok's approach to content delivery (Instagram reels, Snapchat Spotlight, or YouTube shorts). These changes are made from observations in the market. Likely two questions need to be answered when a platform makes strategic changes; What does our audience like? How can we make it our own?

TikTok’s delivery of content is a good example because it demonstrates how platforms notice what keeps users engaged. When platforms saw TikTok’s usage rate blow past theirs, they implemented their approach to even the playing field. 

This concept is the same with any business and it is why software development is so relevant to keep up with ever-changing markets. 

Build scalable software

Branching off the last point, to keep up with changes not only in the market but with your company's digital Infrastructure requires software that can manage the load. Without scalability, companies will run into issues facing downtime, maintenance, and even possible security breaches.

When you start the development process with scalability as a priority, you’re giving your brand the upper hand with benefits such as reduced cost of maintenance, unique user experience, and faster functioning. Every enterprise software will require scalability to meet the demands of the organization.

The Takeaway

Every product is created based on a concept meant to either help a specific niche or change something for everyone. Companies like Apple or Tesla have a vision of everyone using their products, whereas a gaming company or a women's clothing e-commerce store would cater to a specific audience. Whichever side you’re on, an end-user mindset is where the most powerful inspiration comes from. 

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

Our unique owners mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs, to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects. Contact us here.