How To Be A Professional In The Workplace

In any work scenario, you are in a place that requires you to act with a level of composure and professionalism. However, you are still a person with natural emotions and things going on outside of your job that may influence this. Nonetheless, when you’re on work hours, you are now the face of the organization. 

This is especially important when meeting with clients, demonstrating your knowledge and skills that put you in the role to serve them is crucial. Of course, your instincts may not always come to you in a manner that’s appropriate for the situation. This goes back to the importance of emotional intelligence and being able to detach from these feelings. 

Scenario: you’re meeting with an influencer whom you think could be a good fit to market your product. You send them samples of your product and arrange a meeting time to discuss your plans. When you get to the meeting it is evident they’ve done no research on the company or even truly used your product. You clue in quickly that they’re not going to be the ones you pay to market your product. How would you address this?

Do you leave it with “we’ll get back to you” or do you address the situation by explaining why you won’t work with them? The ladder would be most transparent and effective. Yet while this choice is professional, the delivery needs to be just as transparent and professional.

Keeping yourself in check like this means you need to be prepared for anything by having the awareness that anything could happen. Here are some tools to keep you prepared:


When a situation triggers something that makes you want to get angry or lose your cool, they can, in certain cases, be replaced with explaining. With the example of the poorly prepared influencer, you simply express the importance of authenticity to your brand's public image. There are going to be times when you need to be stern, but being able to recognize when those times are and when you need to re-evaluate is what makes you a professional. 


True professionals ensure that their efforts are being applied to the best of their ability in every task that comes their way. Additionally, proving that you are capable, willing, and provide value will build your credibility and advance your role. This entails being active in the organization, going the extra mile to build connections, and providing value as best you can.  

Take Ownership

Someone who blames others lacks self-awareness, will struggle to collaborate with others, and fail to demonstrate professionalism. Whereas someone who can own their mistakes, highlight their areas that need improvement, and actively strive to do better possesses the attitude of a professional. Taking ownership is what constructs someone capable of leading others, it is setting an example and continually operating with high standards. 

Good Listener

A good listener will connect with everyone they come in contact with and develop meaningful relationships. Taking the time to listen to people, and taking in their opinions, ideas, and concerns demonstrates you are committed to serving the team with the needs of everyone considered. It will allow others to trust you and know they can be transparent with you, they will begin viewing you as a true leader. 


Having an exceptional level of knowledge regarding your organization's needs, client's needs, product or service details, or whatever the case may be, it is pivotal you are knowledgeable. This will give you the confidence to conduct yourself effectively. Additionally, this will help you prepare for contingencies the team may face, which is where you step up.


Professionalism is the baseline to effective leadership and followership, both of which translate to a well-rounded organization. People can recognize authenticity immediately and will feel more comfortable working with a brand that reflects this. To gain this ability to connect, you must be professional and take the time to build genuine connections. 

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