Entering the Software Industry

Entering the software industry is not an easy feat. The professionals in the space learn and apply technical skills while mastering the ability to deliver and exceptionally perform the desires of businesses. People may be able to sit down, learn the craft, and study hard, yet significant difficulty lies in trying to diversify themselves. Setting yourself apart from the crowd is what companies in the software industry are looking for.  


Emphasize Experience: Build Your Portfolio 

Employers are looking for the highest quality people to join their organizations. This is where differentiating yourself is extremely important. Hoping to break into the industry? You need to focus on gathering experience. While you are studying, you need to take the time to complete interesting side projects, apply yourself, and build your portfolio. 

A portfolio is an amazing way to demonstrate that you have taken the time to develop your skills even if you do not have that clear-cut company experience. 


Technical Excellence 

Here at ISU Corp, we stress technical excellence. We pride ourselves on the countless years of experience each of our team’s professionals have garnered. Each of our professionals needed to begin somewhere - they stand out among the crowd because of their dedication to remaining in the know and on top of the constantly changing and evolving software industry. 

Technical excellence is driven by strong communication, minimizing project disruptions, and delivering industry-leading software. Industry professionals have worked with clients and beyond knowing their craft, they are able to keep communication as a top priority to ensure all stakeholders are in the know throughout the duration of every project. Practicing the skill of communication is a great place to start as it is the root of success in any business. 


Align With Company Values: Company Culture

Each of the projects you complete and the portfolio you build represents who you are and what mark you want to make in the industry. As you use what you’ve built to represent yourself, this is a great way to see if your interests and passions reflect the company you hope to become a part of. 

Often in software, the company culture is not discussed. Yet, company culture is the foundation for self-growth and test what kind of environment you’ll be honing your craft in. This should be a key element in your job search. 

ISU Corp’s pillars are business empowerment and innovation. This is at the center of how strong software professionals are molded. Business empowerment trickles down to employees as they are the root of how any business thrives. If the employees are empowered, they are able to explore and use their creativity to create and engineer groundbreaking software. In order to stay ahead of the curve, we keep innovation at the center of what we do. 


ISU Corp: Our Pride in Our People 

Our keys to sustained happiness are gratitude, growth, and contribution. The software industry will thrive when the environment focuses on growth and appreciating all contributions. Among our team, we count on experienced systems architects, project managers, software developers, quality assurance/business analysts, graphic designers (UI-UX), and supporting administrative staff. We strive to create a win-win environment, where partnership, honesty, and professionalism mandate every task we conduct for our clients.

Our career page is a great place to develop your software career, contact us.