Plug into your Decision-Making Power


We make decisions every moment, day after day. Mostly these decisions are small and inconsequential, but sometimes they are life-changing events.

Ultimately, the outcome of your days, your years, and your entire life are mostly defined by the sum of your decisions, and the following actions you take every step of the way.


There is a lot of power in making a decision, any decision; even those you take when you’re not completely sure that it’s the right one. Once you realize the overwhelming impact that making decisions can have, you will definitely start to live the best part of your life.


But that doesn’t make it any easier, right?

There’s a fun saying that goes: “the road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.”

We tend to get paralyzed at some point, like the squirrel on the road in front of a pair of headlights; and knowing upfront the impact our decisions can have doesn’t make the fear go away. What if we make the wrong one? How would that affect our lives?

You might think then “so, I’d better not take any decision at all”… but that is also a decision –and a very bad one; one that also holds the power to create quite a mess.


The inability to make a decision can leave you frozen in place when changes are necessary. It can also devastate your confidence, your happiness, and your overall emotional well-being.

Any decision is better than no decision at all.

Push past the fear and doubts, and start taking control over your life’s outcomes; make decisions quickly, take action steps immediately, and visualize the end result you’re looking for.


Commit to a decision, follow through, and you can set yourself up for success every time.

 Stay strong/




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