Top 5 Forums for Programmers

As a programmer, have you been stuck for a long time in a software problem? How much have you struggled to find a solution? Well, it is completely normal, and more people in your field than you think, are facing the same situation.

In this blog I will share with you 5 Programming Forums that could save your life at some point, it is as they say: ''two heads are better than one''. If you are trying to learn a different language or either are new in programming, you could consider accessing one of these programming forums.

Even when there are a plethora of programming forums on the Internet, you should know that not all of them are good enough. So, let’s take a look at some of the most popular programming forums.

Programming Forums:


1. Stack Overflow. For learning, sharing knowledge, and building careers, Stack Overflow is considered the largest online community for programmers. Among the most discussed topics on the site are C#, PHP, Python, Java, JavaScript, Android, HTML, and jQuery.

2. Reddit is more about news and entertainment where users can share content. However, this site has some spaces dedicated to programming and coding languages, it could include links to articles on the web or outside. This software developer community has 1.8 million people. According to their opinions, users are allowed to vote for or against the publications.

3. Google Groups is another online community similar to a forum where newcomers can access useful information on the programming language of their interest. Google Groups is divided into categories and subcategories, for instance; Computers have numerous subcategories such as Programming, Security, Software, and Artificial Intelligence. Consequently, you can find the most suitable group according to your interest and connect with other programmers.

4. Site Point is an online community focused on supporting new and intermediate users to understand their programming language of choice. This site not only shows articles about web development but also on topics like web design, copywriting, and others. It also assists in business and marketing.

5. Code Project gives programmers access to tutorials and articles on software topics and programming languages such as C ++, Java, and PHP. This site uses a rating and comment system to filter good and bad articles.


Every programmer has faced at least once in their life the situation when they need an expert opinion or even some times when they decided to share a solution to a problem, that is why programming forums continue in the popularity positions among software developers.

These forums in many cases have helped to solve issues, share content, and as a result increase knowledge in different software topics. There are also other Forums specialized in programming languages, such as:

  • Java programmers can turn to the Java Programming Forum and The Cafe

  • C++ programmers can access to CPlusPlus

  • Python programmers can turn to Bytes

  • Ruby programmers can check the Ruby Forum and CodeRanch

  • PHP programmers can check

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