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Staying Alive in Modern Times


Owning a business is tough work. In order for a business to reach and stay in success, it has to be constantly changing and morphing to keep up with the latest technology, marketing strategies, and trends. No one likes something that isn’t up to date. It doesn’t look professional for the CEO of a company to show up at a meeting and pull out their 2001 Nokia flip phone. It seems funny just thinking about it, doesn’t it? Now, let’s say that really happens. What does this small action say about the abilities of the whole company?

It makes them seem like they aren’t a reactionary business. A reactionary business is a business that has the ability to react & respond quickly to necessary changes. It is imperative for the survival of a business to keep up with modern times. For example, businesses that made the jump into the online world when it was the time to embrace it stayed alive, whereas those who merely stuck to older platforms eventually died away. The flexibility and adaptation of a company will determine its chances of survival. How do you do that?

Pay attention. Stay involved with the outside world and stay on the lookout for trends. Depending on what your company does, you can harness those trends to capitalize on the people following them and provide value to them. Let’s say the year is 2002, and your job is designing websites. You notice that newer websites are looking sleeker and use more high-quality graphics. Suddenly, the website you are currently designing looks a little outdated compared to these new styles. What do you do? You update your design style to keep up with the newer and better designs!

Even though it may be difficult to keep up at times, the best thing about this is that it means things are improving every day. If we remained stagnant in our ways, we wouldn’t advance as a society. It all comes down to the health and survival of your business. So, stay up to date on all things if you want your company to stay alive.


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Use This One Trick to Keep your Business Afloat


There have been plenty of promising businesses rising to the top only to reach the surface of the water belly-up with Xs for eyes. Let’s think about business as the sea and the sky. Start-ups always begin at the bottom of the ocean and struggle to swim higher.  We swim higher and higher until we reach the surface and find that we need to change to be able to fly higher. How do we do that?

It is necessary to change the direction your business is taking. To be able to jump from the water’s surface and soar higher yet, you’ll need to ditch the fins and grow a pair of wings. What does that even mean?

It means that at some point in the growth of your business, you’ll reach a plateau where you remain stagnant and unmoving until you change something. This is the surface of the water. Many businesses fail to change, and that is why you see so many dead fish in the water. OK, think of it like this: let’s say you have a business that sells health products originally targeted to young athletic men. It’s doing okay, but you know you’re not reaching full potential. You notice that your sales are largely made up of middle-aged women trying to lose weight, instead of young men. It would be foolish not to change your marketing strategies to draw more attention from those middle-aged women! It’s a terrible idea to ignore that strong section of your audience just because you don’t want your product to be for that crowd.

Change is a beautiful thing. Change whenever it best benefits your business. Don’t be afraid to harness your ability to adapt to the changing terrain and you will find yourself on the track to success. 


Inspire and empower people in all aspects of their life is one of our core values as a company.
Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit www.isucorp.ca

What's The One Word for Startup Success?


There are tons of people creating startup companies, many of which don’t manage to take off. This shouldn’t discourage you because failing is part of the process that leads to success. A lot of startup companies that didn’t succeed failed to focus on the most important word…“TRACTION”.

Traction is a sign that your company is taking off. Let me explain: it can be measured in the number of users, downloads, searches, etc. it all depends on what field you’re in. Many companies focus on creating the perfect product and all the money goes into the creation process. This is a huge mistake because you could have the best product in the world, but if nobody knows about it, it won’t be long before your company goes down. The solution is to focus heavily on traction, get creative and find ways to exponentially increase your company. Look into advertising methods that are in line with your target user base, and start exposing yourself.

Look at your company and find out how much budget you're allocating towards “traction” and be honest with yourself to see how much more you need to put in. Focusing on traction is not only great to get your company off the ground but it also helps to see if your product actually has a need in the market, allowing you to fail faster and move on or pivot your idea into a success.


Inspire and empower people in all aspects of their life is one of our core values as a company.
Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit www.isucorp.ca