Development Team

Using AI to Enhance Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become an integral part of the modern business landscape since it provides platforms with the ability to scale. As the reliance on cloud infrastructure grows, ensuring its reliability and availability becomes paramount. This is where Artificial Intelligence comes in and helps create these ideal platforms.

The relationship between AI and cloud computing is symbiotic, where AI enhances the infrastructure in terms of what the cloud can do and how reliable it is and cloud computing gives AI the resources and environment it needs to thrive. Here’s a quick example of how this works: 

If you woke up one day as the Chief AI Officer at Amazon, and they said to you “We need you to scale our AI capabilities to meet the increasing demand and ensure our cloud infrastructure remains reliable," where would you start?

Commonly, at the root of these limitations in a platform is the level of demand that it encounters which puts major emphasis on areas such as resource management. As a Chief AI Officer, you’d want to first assess what isn’t being optimized, which, if scalability and reliability are in question, means that something is underutilizing the cloud. With that in mind, these are some resources that might go into remediating the issue:

Forecasting demand: Based on Amazon’s user usage patterns, you can predict workloads and have the system allocate resources as needed. When it comes to underutilizing the cloud, it's best to implement an auto-scaling mechanism like AWS Auto Scaling that is meant to ensure the right amount of computing power is given consistently with fluctuations in demand. 

Predictive maintenance: The cloud infrastructure is a very complex system with so many different interconnected components and dependencies. For this reason, you’ll want systems that know when issues are going to happen before they do. You can have the algorithms analyze data from sensor readings, server logs, or even performance metrics, the idea is that the system recognizes patterns and can anticipate potential issues.

That’s a glimpse at the reliability side, but now we need to address scalability more in-depth:

Edge computing: As a Chief AI Officer, edge computing is going to stand out as a crucial aspect when addressing scalability. It introduces a paradigm shift in how both data is processed and services are delivered, and it plays a fundamental role in optimizing the cloud's infrastructure. Through edge nodes, AI algorithms will process at the source, minimizing the need for data transmission to centralized cloud servers.

Hybrid and Multi-cloud: When implemented with AI, a hybrid and multi-cloud strategy can be great for distributing workloads, in addition to aiding in what we looked at with predictive maintenance and demand forecasts.

Cloud Computing meets AI and ML

Everything we’ve looked at so far is still scratching the surface in terms of leveraging AI in the cloud. With what we know about the cloud infrastructure, this is a quick look at some tools to watch for:

AI-Driven Auto-scaling: Optimizes resource allocation based on real-time demand patterns.

AI-Enabled Network Optimization: Reduces latency and manages traffic in large-scale cloud environments.

AI-Powered Predictive Analytics: Anticipates workloads and performance issues.

AI-Enhanced Security: Identifies and responds to real-time threats, improving cloud security.

Federated Learning: Allows decentralized machine learning across multiple cloud servers while preserving data privacy.

AI-Driven DevOps: Automates testing, code optimization, and deployment.

Quantum Computing Integration: Uses advanced computational power to quickly solve problems.

Explainable AI: Enhances interpretability of complex AI systems.

AI-Optimized Cost Management: Recommends cost-saving strategies based on cloud usage.

AI-Driven Natural Language Processing (NLP): Improves user experiences with cloud services by understanding natural language queries.

Tech Stacks to Support Integration

You want to leverage AI as effectively as possible in the cloud. To do that, you need a tech stack that prioritizes the following components:

AI frameworks and libraries: Get hands-on with TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn. They offer awesome pre-built algorithms for tasks like image recognition and natural language processing.

Cloud platforms: AWS, Azure, GCP – know your way around them! Get familiar with virtual machines, containers, and serverless computing for scalable AI apps.

Big Data tools: Don't shy away from Apache Spark, Hadoop, or Kafka. These are going to be your best friend for handling massive data sets. 

Containerization: Docker and Kubernetes are your pals. Use them to package and deploy AI models.

Edge computing infrastructure: We mentioned it before but make sure to design edge nodes for local data processing and real-time responsiveness.

Hybrid and multi-cloud management: Learn how to balance workloads across different clouds and on-premises infrastructure.

Security and compliance tools: Stay on top of encryption, access controls, and monitoring to safeguard data.

Data storage solutions: Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob Storage are your data allies.

Real-time data processing: Master Apache Kafka or AWS Kinesis for streaming data handling.

Monitoring and analytics: Set up Prometheus, Grafana, or CloudWatch to keep an eye on AI model performance and resource usage.

Moving Forward With AI in The Cloud

AI-driven decision-making is the future of the cloud landscape. As we've explored, the synergy between AI and cloud computing is the cornerstone of next-gen platforms. To scale AI effectively in the cloud, you’ve got to be able to navigate a dynamic landscape that merges the potential of AI with the scalability of cloud computing. This is where experts come in and help, often saving you time and money that would be far better spent on scaling the solution than just trying to figure it out. 

If you think this is something your company could benefit from, and you’d like to learn less about the why and more about the how, reach out to us so we can get you started on the right foot.

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award-winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost-effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

Our unique owners’ mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs, to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to Fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects. Contact us here.


Best Chat GPT Plug-ins For Software Development

We know about the prompts Chat GPT has to offer software developers, which are great starting points— but truly, they are nowhere near the full scope of leveraging streamlined workflows from AI. Since the dawn of its existence, coding has been about 3 things; creativity, problem-solving, and innovation. With artificial intelligence, the horizon for these aspects of coding expands exponentially.

Plug-ins elevate this further, especially when a programmer knows exactly which to use and when. What plug-ins do is leverage AI algorithms to cut down the development process by automating tasks and getting data-driven insights. A typical scenario for development with plug-ins might look like this:

Scenario of Leveraging Plug-ins

A programmer is working on developing a web application for a client. The project involves developing systems for user authentication and authorization, implementing complex business logic, integrating with external APIs, and load balancing. The deadline is also tight. 

To start, they use a plug-in that automates the process of setting up secure user authentication systems, including user registration, login, password encryption, and session management. Once that’s done, they go to an AI-driven tool that will give them 3 things; intelligent suggestions, code templates, and algorithms for handling not just super complex workflows, but also calculations. Still with me? We’re almost there.

As the project involves integration with external APIs, the programmer moves to an AI-based tool that simplifies the process of connecting to external services. The main purpose of this tool is 4 things: automatically generating code for authentication, making API requests, handling responses, and managing errors. By now, communication with external APIs is seamless and they move on to the last phase. 

They need load balancing for performance and scalability. For this reason, they use a tool that does 3 things: monitors server loads, distributes incoming traffic across servers, and optimizes resource allocation. With this, the workload can be distributed which ultimately lets the system handle user traffic without compromising stability. 

Throughout this entire process, the programmer is leveraging a tool that analyzes code and performance metrics. The Chat GPT plug-ins utilize these insights and data from the analysis to generate code snippets and insights. So if you thought plug-ins were limited to providing prompts, think again. With that said, here are some Chat GPT plug-ins that developers need to pay attention to:


This is likely the most popular integration tool as it integrates over 5,000 apps with ChatGPT. You can connect apps like Google Sheets, Gmail, and Slack directly to ChatGPT. Users can leverage any of Zapier's 50,000 actions, such as search, update, and write to automate tasks. 

Code Interpreter

Although currently in a closed alpha phase, this plug-in is very promising for the future of software development. It enables the execution of Python code directly within a chat session with ChatGPT. The plugin allows users to upload and download files, make code adjustments, and even receive suggestions and modifications from ChatGPT. 


ChatWithGit is a plugin that enables users to search GitHub directly within the ChatGPT interface. It allows users to find relevant code snippets and provides a preview of the code along with a link to the corresponding repository. This feature saves developers time by leveraging existing code resources on GitHub without having to reinvent the wheel.

Visual ChatGPT Studio

Visual ChatGPT Studio is an extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace. It integrates with Visual Studio. Its features include method code autocompletion, adding unit tests, bug detection, method optimization, explanation writing, commenting, providing summaries for C# methods, and users can ask questions (code-related questions) and get answers within the editor.

Prompt Perfect

The Prompt Perfect plug-in helps users create effective prompts by optimizing and rewording them for better results. It’s also not exclusive to ChatGPT. All you do as a user is begin your prompt with “perfect” followed by your request. 

Wolfram Alpha

The Wolfram Alpha plugin addresses ChatGPT's limitations in math. It gives ChatGPT access to computation, math functionalities, curated knowledge, and real-time data through Wolfram Alpha and the Wolfram language. Using this plugin, ChatGPT can give you improved responses and visualizations for math-related queries.

Link Reader

Link Reader enables ChatGPT to extract and analyze information from various types of links, like PDFs, PPTs, Word docs, and all the fun stuff alike. Users then have ChatGPT translate, summarize, interpret, and even analyze the contents of the given link, to get insights far more in-depth than a typical search engine.

Moving Forward

Emad Mostaque's statement that "There are no developers in 5 years" is something companies in the tech space need to really think about. The amount that one person can achieve increases exponentially with AI-powered tools. And trust me, you won’t lose your job to a machine, but the person who knows how to leverage machines will blindside you.

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award-winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost-effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

Our unique owners’ mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs, to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to Fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects. Contact us here.


11 Programming Languages to Integrate AI Into Your Insurance Platform

The insurance industry has long been a sector that relies on person-to-person interaction. When a customer calls up an insurance broker, they’re talking to someone who understands and can even sympathize with their needs. They’ll look over policies and agree on an ideal plan… We could go on but frankly, this is all pretty dry, even for a technology company.

Insurance is yet another sector that’s about to be turned on its head by Artificial Intelligence. Like many other major industries in 2023, the insurance sector has begun to realize the possibilities available through the use of AI and is now exploring ways to integrate this technology into its service delivery model. 

A good example can be seen from Pypestream which is sort of like Chat GPT meets your Insurance provider. Pypestream alone saw its revenue jump around 450% between 2021-2022 which gives a sense of the level of opportunity available in this market. 

Anyone could argue about the implications of AI and try to dance around it as much as possible. The point is these tools are efficient which is really what AI is all about - promoting efficiency through process automation. With that being said, the only way companies can truly embrace this change is by having the right software infrastructure in place that can support the service model. 

At ISU Corp, we have years of experience serving the insurance industry so we’ve seen a lot of different approaches and want to give our insights on some of the best programming languages that can assist companies when trying to integrate AI to their platforms.

Development Teams Handling AI Integration

Any development team taking on AI integration must be proficient with Machine Learning (ML) infrastructures and the programming languages that go into them. The IT Project Manager must ensure that they bring on developers who are proficient specifically with Python, R, and Java as these are the keys to a solid infrastructure. 

Now, this alone won’t do a lot for a business starting its digital transformation journey, so with that said, let’s dive into some of the best options for programming languages and what they do:

1) Python - When it comes to data manipulation, statistical analysis, and building machine learning models, Python is the top choice. Insurance companies can use Python to develop predictive models that analyze customer data and identify risks, which will also improve underwriting and pricing decisions.

2) R - R is another popular language that we’ve outlined before, it’s commonly used for data analysis and machine learning. R is great for statistical modelling, data visualization, and exploratory data analysis. In the case of an insurance company, they might use R to create advanced analytics models, such as predictive modelling and fraud detection.

3) Java - Yet another widely used language for enterprise applications that is known for its reliability and scalability. Insurance companies will use Java to build AI applications that need to process large amounts of data and integrate with existing systems.

4) C++ - C++ is a top choice language for AI and just building overall high-performance applications, which of course makes it ideal for developing AI algorithms that need to run quickly. Insurance companies are going to be using C++ to build models that analyze large datasets and make predictions in real time.

5) MATLAB - This is a programming language commonly used in data science and machine learning. It’s particularly useful for performing complex computations and creating algorithms for statistical modelling and predictive analysis which is essential for AI integration in any platform. For insurance companies, this can help with tasks such as fraud detection, risk assessment, and claims analysis.

6) Scala - This is certainly a versatile programming language as it combines object-oriented and functional programming paradigms. It’s designed to be concise, expressive, and scalable, which makes it ideal for building large-scale, distributed systems. For insurance companies, this can help with tasks such as processing large volumes of data, managing complex workflows, and implementing real-time analytics.

7) Julia - Specifically designed for scientific computing and numerical analysis. Julia is very easy to use and has a syntax that is similar to MATLAB, which makes it a popular choice for data science and Machine Learning applications. Insurance companies might use Julia to help with tasks such as actuarial analysis, risk modeling, and predictive modeling.

8) Swift - Swift is a programming language developed by Apple for building iOS and macOS applications. It is a fast and efficient language that is designed to be easy to learn and use. For insurance companies, this can be useful for developing mobile applications that integrate with AI platforms, such as chatbots for customer support or mobile apps for claims submission.

9) Go - Go was created by Google to build fast, scalable, and reliable software. It has a simple and efficient syntax which makes it easy to write and read code. For insurance companies, this will be a great tool when building distributed systems, processing large volumes of data, and implementing real-time analytics.

10) Ruby - Ruby is a programmer's best friend during web development. Like the majority of these languages, it too has a clean and easy-to-learn syntax. For insurance companies, this is going to be the go-to when building web-based applications meant to integrate with AI platforms, like chatbots or processing systems for web-based claims.

11) Kotlin - Kotlin is a programming language that was developed by JetBrains for building Android applications. It is designed to be a more concise and expressive alternative to Java, with features such as null safety and extension functions. For insurance companies, this can be great for building mobile applications that integrate with AI platforms, again, this includes chatbots or mobile claims processing systems.

Choosing The Right Tools For Your Insurance Company

Artificial Intelligence is something that demands businesses' full attention at this moment in time - we strongly believe that companies who fail to implement AI solutions in their service delivery models will be obsolete in 5 years. 

With that said, just like AI, programming languages are meant to do different things to produce different outcomes which will all be based on the company's vision. The whole point of custom software development is to create solutions that fit the specific needs and objectives of YOUR business. 

Software developers can’t necessarily come up with the dream for you, but they can bring yours to life with the right tools. We can also identify the gaps in your processes that can be filled with AI. This is something insurance companies will want to make sure they’re aligned with when consulting with Artificial Intelligence software architects.

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award-winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost-effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

Our unique owners’ mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs, to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to Fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects. Contact us here.