Keys to Success: Secrets of The Achievers

Everyone has goals or has set them at some point in their life, goals are what inspire us to better ourselves and the people around us. This applies in all aspects of life, business, family, health, whatever it may be it requires us to become a better version of ourselves. This is the foundation of what creates successful entrepreneurs, anyone who has achieved tremendous success has stuck to their goals.

The process of doing this is not an easy one, it is not a straight road with lights to see where you’re going. It is a testing process of your character, your willpower, and the reason you are setting out to achieve your goal. This is why it is best to develop your “why”, you’ve heard that before, but it is the first and most important step. If your goal is to start a business, why are you entering this specific field? What does the cause mean to you? Whose lives will you be impacting? How will you base selection for your team?

Asking yourself these questions and cementing in your reason for wanting to achieve, will prevent you from quitting. So you’ve got your why, now the how will begin to form in your mind, but what can you expect along the way? 

We know that success isn’t handed out to anyone, it takes time and patience to do anything worthwhile. This may seem straightforward but for many, this process is too much. This is why 80% of people fail their new year's resolutions every year. This has a lot more of an impact on our well-being than one may think. How can you respect yourself if you cannot keep the promises you made yourself? It is disheartening but this is the reality of how the pressure of achieving can get to those without staying power.

Now if you’re interested in being the minority of achievers, and want to overcome these perceived limitations, let's look at what you can do on your journey:

Be Specific

Envision exactly what you want, close your eyes and imagine yourself at the moment where you have achieved your goal, and experience the emotions. This is a powerful tool, visualization helps us figure out what we are trying to do. Simply put, you should be able to explain your goal to a 5-year-old. When we set aimless goals for ourselves, we often lose sight of what it is we are trying to achieve, leading us to throw in the towel. Don’t waste this inspiration, use it to design your ideal outcome.

Don’t Fall For Doubt

When we are looking up a mountain we have to climb, thoughts will bubble up in our heads telling us we can’t do it. Oftentimes even people will tell us that we should lower our expectations, or what we want is impossible. Remember this, impossible for them doesn’t mean impossible for you. If your why is strong enough, you will find ways around obstacles, you just have to trust yourself. This can be a bit more difficult if you are working in a team with someone who is feeding doubt to the rest of the members.

To handle this, lead by example, combat their negativity by feeding them with your willingness to take risks, and watch them start to follow your lead.

Work At It

Procrastination can get the best of us, especially with all the technology and media that we have access to. Commonly, we fall into this trap when our goals don’t inspire us enough to be disciplined. This is a common misconception of success, motivation is temporary, it’s easy to get it done when we are at 100%. Real success is based on what you do on the days you're not motivated when you don’t feel like doing the work.

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk weren’t working 9-5 Monday-Friday to become successful. A successful business is not built on the days an entrepreneur feels motivated, it is built by pushing through the hard times, the doubt, and the un-inspired days.

Commit To It

Linebacker for the Philadelphia Eagles, Emmanuel Acho has a great quote “the reason most people fail is because they give up what they want most for what they want now”. Put so simply yet accurately pinpointing the reason people give up. This is the case when the goal is not important enough to us, and when the why is not clear. Realize that with success comes sacrifices, you will have to give up the things holding you back and replace them with time invested in yourself.

Be Prepared To Fail

So many times, people give up way too soon on their goals because of one failure. It is important to know that creating success is never a hole in one. You must fail, then learn from your failures and keep trying until you get it right. If everyone gave up after a few failures or even a few hundred failures, we would not have a world as advanced as we do now. There would be no technology, we wouldn’t have great athletes or entrepreneurs. Simply put, failure is your best friend, it will make you more resilient and allow you to become better.


When you set out on a journey to become successful, it can be a lonely and difficult process. You will have to believe not only in what you’re doing but also in yourself. There will be times when your beliefs will be tested, you will feel like you want to quit at points. The best things are created out of struggle, overcoming your mind will separate you from the majority of people. It is this willingness to be different, to try, to take risks that will make you the best version of yourself.

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