Function Point Analysis in Software Engineering

Every time a project is started in any organization, the first step is to complete the analysis phase. This phase is essential for the fulfillment of the next stages. It contributes to decision-making, management, and control of the resources assigned for the development of the project, as well as establishing the schedule and costs.

Achieving an accurate analysis methodology in a software project helps mitigate the risks of project failure. Function Point Analysis (FPA) is an advanced analysis technique that helps obtain a detailed picture of each project's scope, performance, duration, and quality.

This term was used for the first time by Allan J. Albrecht in 1979 in IBM, Function Point Analysis. Even when it has faced a few modifications over the years, Function Point Analysis is still a standardized method frequently used as an estimation technique in software engineering.

What is Function Point Analysis?

A function point is a unit of measure used to calculate and represent a software functional size measure. In other words, it consists of estimating the scope of the project, the number of personnel involved, the cost, and the time that the project will take. 

The main components of Function point Analysis are:

  •  external input types (EI)

  •  external output types (EO)

  •  logical internal file type (EQ)

  •  external interface file types (ILF)

  •  type of external query (ELF)

According to the function point approach, the system's full functionality is captured by these five parameters.

Function Point Analysis Benefits for Projects

  • FPA focuses on measuring the size of the solution and not the size of the problem

  • It can be used regardless of the programming language used in the project

  • It contributes to achieving the estimation of the costs, the schedule, and other general issues of the project

  • FPA facilitates the negotiation process with clients

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, do not hesitate to contact us.