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Why You Should Never Stop Learning

Think about how much your perspective has changed over the last 5 years, how much have you grown? Time does pass quickly, so much so that we even begin to categorize it like chapters of a book. While we have all this time and everyone looks for ways to maximize its value. That, of course, will look different for everyone, but how does one take advantage of the great big world around them? 

One of the best resources we can continually invest in is our mind, and broadening our perspective of reality. This does not only come from reading books, it’s the people we surround ourselves with, the music we listen to, and the things we tell ourselves. All of these factors add up over time and accumulate to a sum that is our future. This is why it is so important for us to take in as much as we can.

Author Brian Herbert has a beautiful saying that goes “The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice”. Successful people are not born with some gene that earns them wealth, they have to build it. Not just wealth in terms of money, but also terms of knowledge. 

Working hard is not simply sitting at a desk cranking out work, it starts by challenging yourself to think differently. Think about it, you have to go out and put your mind in different situations for it to expand. So often people can get down on themselves thinking they can’t do something when they simply need to go out and gain experiences. 

If you spend your whole life in a box, would you know there’s a world outside the box? You would be quite shocked to discover a world full of people. Don’t let your box limit your experiences, get out and learn.

Here are some things to consider:

Purpose Driven

No matter who you are, you never really know enough, the people who get the most out of their careers, relationships, and overall lives are driven by purpose. Purpose ultimately is an internal duty you have to become something more of yourself. The road of purpose is guided by teaching moments, learning the hard way, failing, and eventually getting back up to try again. Any and every pitfall you could imagine will teach you more about your character and whatever field you’re attempting than anything else will. 


There is no person better to work for or work with than someone who is open to new ideas or is easy to coach. When we approach situations with curiosity, we open up the possibility of challenging our perspective. Additionally, we’d be much less likely to engage in conflict by simply taking the time to acknowledge and understand the views of others. By no means do we have to agree with them, but that will be subjective to you. 

The Known vs The Unknown

When faced with choices, there is often the safe path or the path of risk, though this is a trick because both paths are risky. Intuitively, one will stand out to you based on your values and beliefs. Which one would you or have you taken? Did your curiosity lead you towards the unknown? Or did you want to play it safe? No matter what you would or have done in this situation, you will have to do it again and there will be lessons waiting for you at the end. 

A central part of being a leader, not only for an organization but when leading yourself is to know when to take risks. This does not mean making outright irrational decisions, but it does mean making moves you have researched to the best of your ability that you think will be beneficial. Again this will be subjective to you but consider this message from actor Jim Carrey “you could fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love”. 


Taking a chance on going after what you want for yourself is something you will not regret, even in times when it gets difficult, there is a benefit to that. Keep looking for answers, keep asking questions, and be a student for life. 

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