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Top 5 Features to Add When Developing a Dating App

The days of meeting someone special in parks, cafes or shopping malls are gone. The world has never been so connected as it is now. It's the Internet that connects people when the lack of time and dynamic pace of lives push them away from each other. 

Online dating services aim to help users meet new people, but sometimes it is very hard to find the perfect match. The real question is: why is it that so many people haven’t found what they are looking for with so many apps available on the market? 

5 Unique Features

Verified Profiles

People have been experiencing issues with verifying the identity of potential matches on dating apps. Online dating has made it nearly impossible for you to know if the person that just messaged you is, in fact, the person of your dreams, someone trying to scam you, or even someone who poses a potential danger in real life.

When creating a dating app, the feature of verifying profiles is extremely important. Once the new account is set up, the app verifies the user's social media and email accounts and this is very helpful for the user’s safety in order to prevent fake profiles on the app. 


One of the greatest pains when it comes to online dating is how to start a conversation with someone you have never met before. This is where the “icebreakers” feature comes into play. 

That initial first impression speaks volumes about a connection. In order to help users have a meaningful conversation with their matches, many apps decided to introduce a feature called Topics, which helps people break the tension in a clever way. 

Discover Events and Meetups

Dating apps are not only for people that are looking for their perfect match, but also to bring people from the same community together. The dating apps like Her (LGBTQ) and Clover app have recently implemented on their apps a new feature that allows you to discover events such as pride parades. 

Clover app allows users to organize group meetups such as “Game of Thrones night” and with their “Mixers” feature you can get together with people that have the same lifestyle as you. 

Profile Performance Analysis 

It is very easy to know how your dating scene in real life is going but it can be different when it comes to online dating. The profile performance analysis should be the main feature when creating a dating app. This feature helps users understand if there is anything that needs to be improved on their profile and it would essentially help users to get better matches. 


Finding the perfect match on dating apps that meet your “must have” criteria has become a lot easier when you are able to set your own set of requirements. People have different intentions on dating apps, some are looking for a casual fling, some are looking for something more serious, and some people just want to make new friends online. 

With the filter feature you can match with people with the same preferences as you in terms of age, gender, education, political leaning, religion, astrological sign, and others. 

How the Online Dating Segment is Performing in the Market 

  • In 2019, Online Dating apps have accumulated a revenue of US$1.677m according to 

  • By 2023, these numbers are expected to grow with an annual rate of 4.2%, generating a total revenue of US$1.968m.

  • Each user generates an amount of $4.90 in revenue. 

It’s a Date! 

If you are interested in learning more, contact us today!