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Native vs Hybrid Apps: Which One to Build?

With the introduction of software development kits (SDKs), the app development process for both native and hybrid mobile apps is evolving expeditiously. Read on to learn the basics of what native apps, hybrid apps, and SDK’s are and what they provide.

Native App Development – What Is It?

Using two contrasting "native" coding languages, native mobile app creation produces one app tailored to Android systems and one app tailored to IOS systems. Because each code is specifically developed for each program, native applications provide the user with the quickest and most receptive experience. 

They also allow access to the underlying functions of the phone, such as the camera, location, Internet, etc. Native apps are launched from the home screen and "container apps" are not necessary to run them. To run apps without launching the entire operating system, container apps or device containerization are used. Applications involving container applications need more time for development.

Pros of Native App Development:

  • Native applications are customized to make them more systematic and user friendly on IOS and Android networks. In both systems, the apps' interface and navigation are apprehensible.

  • Underlying operating functions (camera, GPS, alerts, etc.) can be accessed through native applications.

  • Native applications are available on Apple / IOS devices through app stores such as Google Play, Android devices, and the Apple App Store.

  • In terms of functionality, native apps don’t necessarily need Internet connection

Hybrid App Development – What Is It?

The development of hybrid applications copies one code onto several platforms. This is not to imply that the code of the whole application can be "copied and pasted" on various platforms. It is necessary to rewrite roughly 20 percent of the code. 

Hybrid application development, however, enables an app developer to use basic application programming interfaces (APIs) such as HTML5 or JavaScript, rather than complex APIs used in the creation of native applications. APIs are a series of software building tools, you could even refer to them as building blocks. Container applications may be required for hybrid applications.

Pros of Hybrid App Development:

  • Compared to native apps, hybrid apps cost less.

  • Hybrid applications use one code across different platforms on a range of devices where one version of the app will run.

  • Development time is cut down due to hybrid apps using simple APIs

  • There isn’t a need for hybrid apps to be updated via app stores. On a page that is loaded from the server, minor changes can be updated and users can see them instantly.

SDKs – What Is It?

A software development kit (SDK) provides tools for software development that allow app developers to build for a particular platform or operating system. SDKs make it possible for developers to write a single code for numerous platforms, minimizing development time.

SDKs For Hybrid App Development

For hybrid app development, Ionic is an open-source SDK. Ionic is a development kit for hybrid applications that enables IOS and Android systems to be personalized. Released in 2013, Ionic uses Apache Cordova plugins to access the attributes of both Android and IOS operating systems (camera, GPS, flashlight, etc.). This imitates the development of native applications as it permits the developer to configure Android and IOS apps.

Apache Cordova and PhoneGap

Apache Cordova is a framework produced by Adobe / Nitobi for mobile development. Instead of using platform specific APIs, Apache Cordova drives and distributes PhoneGap, an open source software that enables software developers to use CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript. It is available for a wide variety of platforms, including Android, Blackberry 10, Firefox OS, IOS, and most Windows devices, though not limited to them.

SDKs For Native App Development

SDKs such as Appcelerator Titanium, React Native, and Xamarin allow Android and IOS platforms to use a single code for native app developers. Native app development SDKs reduce time allocated for development and maximize app performance. The use of a unique code emulates the method of creation of hybrid applications.

Appcelerator Titanium

Built by Appcelerator, Appcelerator Titanium is an open source SDK that enables a single JavaScript codebase to create native mobile applications. You can distribute this codebase through the UWP platforms for IOS, Android, and Windows. Ebay, Paypal, and Tmobile are common apps developed using Appcelerator Titanium.

React Native

Facebook-designed React Native is an SDK that assists developers to reuse code across various web and mobile platforms, including IOS and Android. Instagram, UberEats, and AirBnB are admired apps developed using React Native.


Likewise, Microsoft-owned Xamarin is an SDK that uses C # to distribute codes across various platforms including IOS, Android, and UWP for Windows. The C # codebase can access all native applications. Popular Xamarin-built apps include Storyo, Just Giving, and The World Bank.

Interested in learning more and adopting one of these apps into your business? Reach out today for more information.