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How to Improve Your Customer Experience

As we are seeing the trajectory of the dominating online business world, customer experience has been prominent as a leading pillar in the foundation of marketing. Consumers are looking for the best possible customer service, over 85% of whom will pay up to 25% more for such an experience. Feeling valued and as though you are supporting a business that values its customers is something that will lead to repeat business. Failing to uphold high-quality customer service will result in a loss of business.

Researchers are finding that almost 90% of customers will go to a competitor because of poor customer service. A great customer experience is rooted in the company's ability to create a supportive environment for employees who are handling customers. Prioritizing an inclusive and empowering company culture is a very effective method to ensure employees can deliver a great experience. It is also a major attraction to those looking for jobs in today’s market.

Studies have shown that 94% of entrepreneurs and 88% of those searching for jobs say that company culture is critical for success. 

The pattern we are noticing here is that providing a community-based environment for employees to work in translates to success in the quality of customer experience. Employee retention dips when they don't feel valued, it was found that 77% of Canadians who left their job in 2020 did so for a better opportunity. The same concept applies to customers, the customer experience is the root for 80% of the connection customers feel to a brand. The goal is to be in a position where your company can provide a supportive environment for both.

So how can you create an environment that delivers a top-quality customer experience? 

Customer Support Systems

With so many businesses gaining their sales through eCommerce, quality of experience and customer relations must be maintained. It is no longer the faces you see in the store, customer service must be easily accessible online. Methods like 24-hour access to a representative, live chats, and even social media are great for upkeeping customer care. These systems must be held to a standard that is frequently checked and updated for quality assurance.

Hire Accordingly

Hiring individuals who possess the skills to deliver this experience is where the process begins. Communication skills are after all the most sought after in any business environment. To find these candidates, ask interview questions structured on how important company culture is to them and what makes a customer experience special. Even after an individual who meets this criterion is hired, training practices that prepare for these service standards must be implemented. 

Upkeep Standards of Product

Whatever business you’re in, you are providing something for someone. How great is what you’re offering? Is it worth the price? Quality assurance is an essential pillar to gain clients, but also to create repeat business. For example, if your company provides a service, have standards for consistency of delivery. If you sell a physical product, ensure that it is kept in the right condition and that quality is consistent. It is the recurring theme of ensuring consistency of quality to support consumer needs that separate a good customer experience from a great customer experience. 

Value and Analyze Feedback

Asking clients how their experience was is an effective tool commonly used by many businesses. Take this feedback and find ways to improve current tactics that will be reflective in your organization's delivery of services. Not only is this demonstrating your care for the client's input, but it allows for a direct answer to any possible issues in your current methods. A lot of times, people associate critique as a negative. That it is almost an insult to the company when this is simply not the case.

There is always room for improvement no matter how advanced a company, organization, team, or individual is. So in short, embrace feedback.


While developing a customer experience standard, know that you will not always be able to please everyone. This is just a natural part of the development process, and it’s important to know that no company ever fully develops to perfection. As we looked at, even negative critique can lead to positive changes in the future. Refer back to these tips while developing your customer service systems. Decide what your organization stands for and how you will live up to the standards you make for it. 

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